Kuroko Tetsumi, known as a Phantom of Teiko, is best known throughout Japan especially in various schools, she is also a simple girl with seven teammates friends who are also famous like her
their school has always won various basketball competition...
here I am again guys! sorry if I only did one chapter yesterday! so I will not prolong it and let's start!
don't forget to vote!
Author~chan's POV~
"wait...why are you here?!" Kagami shouted confused, their surroundings became quiet and Takao smirked when he saw kuroko again
"hi kuro~chan!, I miss you to death!" Takao hugged kuroko, while Kagami was still confused about what was happening, Midorima sighed annoyed and pulled Takao away from kuroko
"My answer is the same, why are you here? did you follow us?" Midorima immediately asked annoyed, Kagami's eyes twitched and laughed weirdly
"ha ha ha, we are not fools to follow you! and why did you ask that? and we will never follow you because you are weird!" Kagami shouted in anger, something came out of Midorima's forehead and he glared at Kagami
"I'm not weird! you are weird to look at your eyebrows! uneven!" Midorima shouted at Kagami, a root also appeared on Kagami's forehead and their fight started as a child, while Takao hugged kuroko again without being seen by the two who were busy fighting...while on the other hand, Riko is looking for kuroko while she is holding a knife and her apron has blood on it
"kuroko~kun!" she called kuroko's name with a smile on her face, she walked to the bathroom and maybe kuroko was there, as she approached the bathroom she heard someone fighting Riko was surprised and suddenly frowned
'Is Bakagami the one you are shouting at?' Riko thought and she was immediately angry when she mentioned the name Bakagami, Riko sighed and she tightened her grip on the knife, she immediately went to the shouting and she closed her eyes and sighed
"Bakagami! who is your enemy again?! and where is kuroko~kun-" Riko didn't finish what she was saying when she just opened her eyes she immediately saw Takao hugging kuroko, Riko's eyes twitched in jealousy and she walked towards the four
"kuroko~kun, come here next to me-"
"AHH!" the three screamed as Riko fell and the knife flew towards them, kuroko immediately went to Riko and helped her stand on her feet
"Are you alright Riko-san? are you hurt? where is the pain? say I will take you to a nearby hospital right away" kuroko immediately asked a lot while Riko had an idea and a light bulb came out of her head she chuckled darkly, she pretended to cry and she hugged kuroko tightly, kuroko was surprised and did not know what she would do to calm her crying coach
while the three were silent as they watched kuroko calm her crying coach, Takao sighed and approached his partner
"I think, he just pretended to cry so he could hug kuro~chan" Takao whispered to Midorima in jealousy, while Kagami twitched his eyes again, Riko peeked at the three and she glared at the three, the three were surprised and they looked at Riko in fear, and Riko opened her mouth
"Anata wa kyō shinudeshou" {you will die today} the three trembled in fear and laughed weirdly, Takao tapped Kagami on the shoulder laughing weird
"But you didn't say that your coach was scary," Takao asked nervously and twitched his eyes, Kagami looked at him 'are you serious?'
"Do you think I can tell you that right away?!, even now we have been threatened that she will kill us now" Kagami replied to Takao nervously, while Riko just glared at them, Riko smirked and looked at Kuroko with her puppy eyes
"ne~ kuroko~kun, let's go to the kitchen and feed you! and let the three of them go, and I may only kill now when I see them, so come on ne~?" Riko said cheerfully to kuroko, kuroko nodded and Riko pulled her arm away from the bathroom, as they left the three stunned
"wait ... she said she might kill now when she sees us again right?" Takao asked as he was still watching where the two girls left, Kagami nodded and their surroundings became quiet again
"ah~ I'm leaving, you two take care" Kagami stretched and took his belongings
"wait! ... you leaving immediately?! do you want to die?! not that I don't care but we might also be affected by your stupidity!" Midorima shouted nervously and wondered if Riko saw them again and would chase them with a knife, Kagami looked at the two of them disgusted
"do you think she will do that? and besides, she can't do that to me as long as kuroko is just next to me" Kagami answered with courage, and he left the two stunned
"We are unlucky"
{Time skip}
a few days ago Shutoku and Seirin practiced together, although at first everyone on the Seirin team was surprised why they were with Shutoku in the same place
while on the other hand, Shutoku has no problem with Seirin practicing in the same place, but at first, the two teams are also arguing...
they always argue about the court, who is the first team to go to court they will be the first to play and the last team will look for another court
while the two coaches have something in mind, they put their team together on the same court to practice, but there is still a problem when they always see kuroko that have no partner in warming up they always fight because they all want to partner with kuroko
while kuroko, because she is too innocent and she does not know what the two teams are fighting about, so only Riko helps her, while everyone is still busy fighting
when their practice is over, and they all go to the cafeteria to eat they are always fighting because they all want kuroko to be with, of course not everyone will agree so they will also fight, while kuroko will just leave in the cafeteria just to eat in Riko's room
so when the day came for the Seirin team to leave and their last practice with the Shutoku team, all the Shutoku team approached kuroko to hug of course Riko would not agree especially kuroko's teammates, so they all just held kuroko's hand before they left
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