{Part~60} Street basketball

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this is what you all have been waiting for! so don't forget to vote and I will not prolong it so let's start reading!



Author~chan's POV~

"Midorima-kun" kuroko called the name of her former teammate, Midorima turned to kuroko wondering

"thank you" kuroko replied and she smiled softly at Midorima, Midorima's eyes widened in disbelief, Kuroko Tetsumi her former teammate said 'thank you' to him

"You know you don't have to thank me, that's all I can do for you, so you can forgive me" Midorima replied and he approached kuroko a little, kuroko tilted her head in surprise and still smiled softly at her friend tsundere

"You know, I forgave you but ... it's not like I used to trust you too much, but thank you still because you helped Kagami-Kun" Kuroko replied calmly, Midorima looked at her for a few seconds and he sighed

"I told you, I did not do that for him, for you, I know we sinned a lot against you when we were all in middle school, I know you forgave me but I also know that your trust in me is not the same as before" Midorima turned his back on her, and kuroko just smiled at her friend telling the truth

"But I just can't really forgive myself because we did that to you, so thank you, thank you because you forgave me" Midorima replied as he held back his tears, kuroko just smiled and patted her friend's back

"You know you also need to cry sometimes, I'm just here, you can cry on my shoulder at any time" kuroko replied that Midorima wasted no time and he turned around and immediately hugged kuroko tightly, Kuroko was surprised at first but she also smiled and patted her friend's head, Midorima sobbed and cried loudly on kuroko's shoulder, Kuroko just hummed as she heard her friend crying

"I'm so sorry kuroko" said Midorima kuroko just smiled and patted Midorima's head

"That's okay, as long as I'm always there next to you, remember, you can cry on my shoulder at any time" kuroko replied and Midorima just cried on her shoulder

when Midorima calmed down, he let go of kuroko and wiped his eyes, kuroko just chuckled and touched Midoriam's face

"I'm leaving, let's just meet at the upcoming winter cup" Kuroko whispered to Midorima, Midorima nodded and smiled a little. Kuroko just chuckled, she let go of her friend's face and left the gym


while on the other hand, the Seirin team is already worried about kuroko where she is, they have been waiting outside for a few hours and kuroko is still not coming

"where is kuroko~kun? what happened to her?" Riko asked worriedly, while her other players were also looking

"we could not find her" Hyuga said approaching Riko, Riko was even more worried because until now kuroko was still gone

"we may have to call the police! she might have been kidnapped-"

"no need for a coach, she is already there" Kagami pointed to kuroko walking towards them, Riko immediately ran to kuroko and hugged her

"where are you going?! We've been worried about you before! We thought you were kidnapped!" Riko shouted and she looked at kuroko's whole body if she had a wound, kuroko just sighed and touched Riko's two shoulders to stop

"coach, I'm fine I wasn't hurt or kidnapped, I just talked to Midorima-kun" Riko sighed and held kuroko's hand

"thank you you will not be kidnapped, otherwise I will kill someone now" Riko answered seriously and glared at her players

"you should all be next to kuroko to watch over her! Fortunately, nothing bad happened to her! ... otherwise ... I will kill you all!" Riko threatened her players and pulled Kuroko away, while the others were left stunned.


{Time skip}

they are in Maji burgers now while they are all sitting while they are all still waiting for their order food

"tomorrow you have no practice, so rest," Riko said and everyone nodded, while Furihita had something to say but was nervous, kuroko noticed it and patted its shoulder and was surprised

"ah! kuro~chan, You scared me, what is that?" Furihita asked kuroko pointed to his hand, Furihita looked at his hand with paper

"can I look at the paper you are holding?" Kuroko asked, Furihita nodded immediately and he immediately gave the paper to his crush when Kuroko just looked at the paper her eyes sparkled, Furihita saw this and he smiled as he approached Kuroko a little

"street basketball?" kuroko asked in amazement, Furihita nodded and pointed to the paper

"That will happen tomorrow, so I want to tell you so we can go there tomorrow" Kuroko looked at Furihita as her eyes sparkled

"really?" Kuroko asked Furihita nodded several times, while the others did not know what the two were talking about...kuroko immediately stood up and everyone was surprised at her

"Riko-san, Furihita and I want to come here tomorrow" kuroko showed the paper to Riko's face, Riko took the paper and looked at it

"Didn't I say you have no practice and just rest?" Riko said to kuroko, Furihita suddenly felt sad and kuroko looked at Riko for a few minutes

"I know, but they also want to play, they don't always get into the real game and they always sit on the bench watching us play, so let us" Kuroko begged Riko, while Riko did not know if she would allow it or not

"HAHAHA, All right, I'll let you" kuroko looked at Kiyoshi

"wait...Did I hear right?" Kuroko asked and squeezed her cheek, Kiyoshi just laughed and nodded


"That's fine Riko, and kuro~chan was right, they don't always get into the real game, so let's allow them" Kiyoshi replied and she smiled at kuroko, kuroko's eyes sparkled when Riko saw that kuroko was happy she just sighed and nodded

"ok, I will allow you but on one condition" everyone looked at her curiously

"when something bad happens to kuroko~kun, I will kill you" Riko threatened everyone, they nodded trembling

"thank you kuro~chan!" Furihita hugged his crush tightly, kuroko just smiled

"thank you kuro~chan!" Furihita hugged his crush tightly, kuroko just smiled

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