Kuroko Tetsumi, known as a Phantom of Teiko, is best known throughout Japan especially in various schools, she is also a simple girl with seven teammates friends who are also famous like her
their school has always won various basketball competition...
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Author~chan's POV~
the Second quarter game started again and the Kirisaki team was angry, they could not understand why the Seirin team had not given up yet, did they not understand the word give up?
no matter how many times they threaten or hurt them nothing happens, they are very brave even though their other teammates are hurt they still do not give up, Is that unity and cooperation?
as the game started again, in a place called Kyoto there was a school that was the most popular and it is said that a member of Kiseki no Sedai was there, and that's right, Akashi Seijuro the captain of Kiseki no Sedai is the most feared and the strongest
no one can beat him, even the other members-only Kiseki no Sedai because they all fear Akashi, even if you just mention his name you will tremble with fear and you will still have bad dreams
except for Phantom as everyone knows, because even if she and Akashi fight, her face has no sign of fear so Akashi wants kuroko, he just wants kuroko to be his and only his, even if he can kill a person just for the sake of his beloved kuroko
There are also many girls who confess their feelings to Akashi, but he does not pay attention or listen to them, because the only thing he wants to be within his life is kuroko, but even so, there are still many girls who want to get in Akashi's shirt or they want Akashi to be their boyfriend because he is rich
but he did not give a Fuck
It is noon and the sun is up and shining all over the place, while at the most famous and rich school in Kyoto called Rakuzan High, it was lunchtime and many students came out of their classrooms and went to the cafeteria to eat
they have their own groups where you can sit and eat with them, but they also have arrogant students that you do not want them to be able to eat
you can see that there are many students in line to get food, they are not as messy as other schools that will run to buy food in the cafeteria, because Rakuzan students are rich you need to act really rich, except for the others who are kind
but there are also many really bad and arrogant students in Rakuzan, but they do not interfere because they have their own lives, some students laugh and talk happily while others just keep quiet, there is also someone alone at a table and eating quietly
Their school is really big, they have a lot of gyms, they have a big swimming pool, and much more
"Do you know Akashi? the president of the council?" a girl whispered to her companion, the girl with glasses looked like a nerd nodded to her friend
"isn't he handsome? I hope he notices me" said the girl and daydreaming, the girl with a glasses just chuckled and agreed with her friend
"what are you saying there?" the two girls were surprised and they looked up and they saw that there was a girl with yellow hair and she had many companions, the two could not speak in fear and they stood up in their seats
"s-sorry, just ignore us" the girl stuttered in fear while her head was down a little her companion also nodded in fear, the girl just chuckled darkly, and even those with her
"Do you think Akashi-sama will notice you? just daydream because that won't happen because he only wants me" said the girl arrogantly and laughed at the two girls, her companions also laughed at the two poor girls
it caught the attention of others and they just watched what was happening, they did not stop or help the two girls for fear that they would also be affected, some laughed and some just looked at the two pitiful girls
when they could no longer cope with the girl's teasing, the two of them ran crying
there was silence around them and all the students went back to what they were doing, the girl just clicked her tongue and sat on the soft chair where the two girls had been sitting before
she crossed her legs and leaned over, her companions stare at each other and just shrugged their shoulders and sat down as well
"Tsk! they thought Akashi-sama would notice them and they were both ugly, ah! Akashi-sama just wants me and nothing else" the girl glared at her companions, the others just nodded at her in agreement
"u-umm" the arrogant girl looked at one of her companions as if she wants to say something but she was just nervous
"what?" the girl asked harshly, the girl just gulp in fear and looked their leader in the eye
"D-do you think A-akashi will notice you?" their leader slammed her hand in anger at the table, the girl was surprised and she saw the glare their leader in her
"what did you say?-"
"i-its not like that!... I mean...because I heard that someone has already won Akashi's heart" their leader's face suddenly darkened when she heard that, every one with her was scared and they stood one by one in the chair because they did not want to be hurt
"ne~, Sei~chan where are you going?" asked a guy with black hair and a beautiful face, Akashi stood on the bench and looked at his friend
"I just have to do something important" Akashi replied, the guy just smiled and threw the towel at Akashi
"is that so? good luck" the guy chuckled and waved at Akashi, Akashi did not answer and put the towel around his neck and went out to the gym
"what will he do?" the guy asked and pout, he heard a chuckle behind him and he saw one of his companions who was as big as a monkey
"what are you laughing at there monkey?" he asked annoyed, the guy just chuckled without being hurt by what his friend said
"don't you know? ... I heard someone fighting in the cafeteria so he went there immediately" the guy shrugged and went back to his practice, one just wondered and thought what happened
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