{Part~159} Touo vs Seirin part~34

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Hi guys! I am here again for the chapters you have all been waiting for. and sorry if I didn't update yesterday because our wifi has a problem so because I know you are all excited about what will happen next, I will do two chapters today, so let's start reading

don't forget to vote!



Author~chan's POV~

"love? are you kidding me? do you call that love?" Riko asked and laughed painfully, while her other players looked at her with pity and concern and all the witnesses looked at them confused and did not really know what was going on between the two teams. everyone looked at each other and shrug their shoulders all over. whispers and questions from the spectators of the match can also be heard. their eyes are focused inside the court

they were all surprised at Riko's gesture in front of everyone, her two hands were on her knees and her head was lowering slightly and laughing loudly echoing throughout the court. they do not know what really happened to Riko but they think it all has a great origin so she became like this. noticeable with Riko's loud laughter was no joy and pain and her whole body was shaking, her two hands grabbed her head like crazy. but the only pain is that she is already crying but still laughing

'love?' she thought

her mind is filled with the word 'love' that Aomine said earlier, she thinks she will go crazy when she remembers what Aomine said. love? he called that love? in Riko's whole life she just heard the word love from Aomine. she knew that Aomine and other members of GOM wanted kuroko for a long time and she did not object because she knew that everyone has the right to love the person they want, but she could not understand. over the past few years. why did Aomine just say love in front of them all? why is he blaming everything on kuroko? why did he say that kuroko was a fool because she just didn't notice Aomine's love for her? why is he now saying that all those sins and troubles are because of kuroko?

the funny thing is he said that over the past few years, he has been struggling and hurting his feelings. that he is making a way to get kuroko, that he wants to bring back the old that he and kuroko are still happy with, that he wants kuroko to be a shadow again, that he wants to be with his beloved again. but. why now? for the past few years he has just shown in front of them all that he loves kuroko very much, but why is he saying something different? why is he blaming everything on kuroko? 

why does he show the others that kuroko is the reason why they became like that, why they argued, why they lived independently, why they are all vying to get kuroko, why they all separated, and how it started this war?

kuroko knows nothing of all that is happening! she was so innocent that she was always doomed! then what? he will say that in front of everyone that kuroko is still to blame for everything, is he thinking well? if he had difficulty in that passing year. at least once did he look kuroko in the eyes and say 'sorry? or 'I love you?' no! he never said anything like that even though they knew they were the reason why kuroko was depressed, why she broke up with them all, why her eyes were like that, and why she did not go on that graduation day

then now he will tell kuroko that she is a fool because she did not notice his love towards her? and all that happened to them was to blame her all? during that past year, he was always with kuroko when he had a problem, kuroko always approached him to invite him to practice and attend class at the same time, but at least once, did he see that all the problems were she hides it because she does not want to disturb them because of useless things. at least once did he see that kuroko was having a hard time? at least once did he see kuroko crying day and night because of them all? and at least once did they feel sorry for kuroko?

maybe not

maybe not, because they always think of the welfare of them all

maybe not, because they just want to win

and maybe not, because they just want to get kuroko and claim it as something

"During that past year, did you notice kuroko-kun's suffering? Did you see her crying day and night? Did you see that she always does everything to get you back to normal? Do you see that she always hides all the pain she feels? and did you even think of her once?! all of you! Do you think she is okay? if she has already eaten? if she was hurt? but not one of you has ever thought of that as kuroko-kun. at least once did you not go to her to apologize and pity that you will do everything to restore the past that you are all still happy? no! because you only think of your own welfare! then what? will you all come back to get kuroko-kun from us? for what? hurt her feelings again?" 

what Riko said hit Kagami's heart and others who heard, Kagami's body stiffened in his position while still hugging kuroko tightly. he feels like he is going to cry, he feels like he always wants to protect kuroko, he wants his partner to always be happy. but now Riko has said it. even though he knew he would be hurt himself in this war as well. that is okay with him because all he and others have in mind is to protect kuroko

while others just looked at Riko with a shocked expression, Kise who was just next to his senpai could not move in his place, his eyes were big in shock at what Riko said. he felt as if he wanted to cry and kneel and regret what he had done. his heart ran fast and his two hands fell on his side

"over the years, I have not all noticed that she is suffering because of us" Kise whispered and his leg trembled and he slowly walked back, his eyes show remorse and terror

all his teammates looked at him in shock and wondered especially Kasamatsu, he raised an eyebrow and looked at Kise seriously

"OI! what's you-"

before he could finish what he was saying, his eyes widened in shock when he saw his kouhai just focused inside the court with terror on his face, he did not know why Kise was like that, but he only had one thing on his mind ... 


"Oi! what is wrong with you?" Mitsuhiro asked with a cheerful voice, all and also looked at their ace who did not speak with his eyes still focused inside the court

Kasamatsu who was already angry and could not wait for an answer approached Kise who was ready to punch him. but before he could touch his kohai...Kise ran out with hurt feelings and left all shock

Kise ran out with hurt feelings and left all shock

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