Jedi • Louis

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crossover suggested by @plxnetskywalker


Two figures on a large hill stand, their sabers drawn, battling vigorously. The sun has just started to rise over the horizon, streaking the sky with wonderful colors.

The two young padawans take no notice of nature's beauty, their weapons clashing, the blue and green colors hitting against each other.

The light sabers move through the air, the movement of the light creating strong sounds, both of the fighters breathing heavily as they battle.

The figure with the green saber seems to get the upper hand, the person with the blue weapon faltering back until the green strikes down, the figure with the blue saber protecting themselves.

With a yell, they push the figure with the green saber flying back, their weapon being ripped out of their hands and landing ten feet behind them.

A round of applause comes from their jedi master as he walks closer, the battle obviously won. "Well done, both of you. Well done."

The figure on the ground rips off their hood to reveal a mop of brown hair, slick with sweat.

The victorious person, goes and sticks their hand out, but the boy on the ground ignores it, pushing himself up. The other figure drops their hood as well to reveal y/h/c hair tied in a ponytail. "No need to be so bitter, Partridge." She mumbles.

"She is right. You are improving, little one." Their master said, Louis holding back an eye roll at the label. "You have come a long way, but there is still a long journey ahead." He says.

Louis groans and puts his hand out, his saber flying to it as he puts it in his holster, storming off angrily.

Y/n blinks as she watches him walk down the hill and back to the base. "I'm just gonna..." he says.

"Yeah." Their Jedi master says.

She nods quickly and jogs after Louis, her cape and hair flowing in the wind as she catches him going through the doors. "He's right you know. You are improving." She tells him as he continue to walk forward.

He keeps his eyes trained ahead, his face red with frustration.

"Master says you're becoming quite proficient, and that's progress." Y/n continues.

He opens the door to the training area and turns around abruptly. "But that's not enough." He snaps. "Because every time i feel like I've improved, I go against you and i get my ass kicked every. single. time." He rants.

Y/n is startled by his sudden outburst, freezing in her spot.

"You know, maybe I'd  like to win just one time, because maybe, just maybe, you'd look at me differently. Like I was worthy of you." He cries, tearing his hands through his hair.

Y/n stands in shock of his confession. "Lou, you are worthy." She whispers, taking a cautious step forward. "I've always admired you, you know." She adds, Louis looking up at her with surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"Well," she continues, "You always choose to fight me every week when we do our head-to-heads, when no one else will. I'm one of the strongest students, and yet you willingly choose to fight me. To better yourself." She say. "That's pretty fucking cool if you ask me." she says, earning a laugh.

She takes another step towards him and takes his shaking hands in hers. "You've always caught my eye." Y/n whispers. He gawks at her words, making Y/n laugh nervously. "I-I just think you're pretty good and everything."

Louis smiles at her. "Y/n, you are one of the strongest students here. I think you're the cool one here." He laughs softly.

She nods and smiles up at him. "Are you ok now?" She asks softly.

He rubs the back of his neck and nods. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah. probably."

Before she can stop herself, she hugs the boy tightly in her embrace, making Louis' eyes widen before he hugs her back. "This-This is nice." He stutters. "Do you think, um, do you think we could maybe do this hug thing more often?" He asks shyly as they pull apart.

She looks into his hazel eyes and grins. "Yeah. Yeah, I suppose we can."

"So.. you said I caught you're eye, huh?" He says cockily.

"Shut up, Partridge." She says, hitting his shoulder playfully.

He smiles down at her, and his eyes flicker down to her lips.

He leans down and their lips ghost over each other's before she places a hand on his cheek, closing the space.

Y/n's other hand find their way to his hair, playing with the soft hairs in the back of his neck. Louis's arms grip her waist protectively, pulling her impossibly close.

"LOUIS AND Y/N SITTING IN A TREE-" A young padawan screeches, making Y/n and Louis just apart, startled from the sudden yell as well as their cheeks tinted red from their interaction.

The child's singing was cut off by some of the other students quickly shushing the kid while they direct everyone away from the pair.

They look back to each other, before giggles escape their lips over the last moments between them.

"So... how about I take you on a real date?" Louis asks after they calm down.

"Partridge, that might be the best idea you've ever had.

i wrote this half asleep so...

it's still wednesday in my time zone so ha.

anyways, i'll probably reply to comments tomorrow bc i'm going to sleep <33

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