Medling with the Mind • Louis

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winx saga crossover!

i don't think you have to have watched the show to understand this... there's some fluff- ok i think it's a lot of fluff uwu

y/n is a mind fairy and louis is an air fairy

i'm sorry i've just finished watching it and aksjdndhwhjw

i don't think there are any spoilers, just kind of explaining peoples powers so yeah :)


Bloom and her suite walk down to breakfast, students all around them, fairies and specialists alike.

After getting their food, they sit at a table as conversation resumes.

As Bloom surveys the students, her eyes land on a particular y/h/c girl, sitting at a table with a few people sitting around her. "Um, who's that?" Bloom whispers to her friends.

Aisha, Terra, Musa, and Stella look in her direction and their eyes widen. "That's Y/n Y/l/n." Terra answers.

They watch as she talks to one of her friends.

"Yeah, she's a second year, and she's a mind fairy." Stella informs them. "Rumor has it, she used them on her boyfriend."

Right as the sentence leaves her mouth, Y/n whips her head in their direction.

As if she heard them.

From across the room.

"Abort!" Terra whisper yells as they all look back down at their food.

She whispers something to her friend and gets up, making her way over to them. "Hey." She says to the group as she arrives at their table.

"Um... hi?" Bloom says back, a little confused. "Did you just... did you just hear us?"

Y/n nods, plopping down in the empty seat. "Well, not, like, a normal person. Americans think very loudly." She laughs to herself.

Bloom looks between her friends in confusion. "I'm-Im sorry?"

Y/n sits up straighter. "You see, uh..."


"Bloom, you see, i'm a mind fairy." Y/n explains, "But i'm not an empath like Musa here. I can hear peoples thoughts... and sometimes... persuade them." She says with a sly grin. "Stella..." She says, her eyes turning a deep violet, "Would you mind getting me a bottle of water?"

Stella's eyes gloss over, her pupils becoming a lighter shade before she gets up, and fetched her a bottle of water.

The girls their gap at her as she smirks. "And, for the record, it's not very nice to gossip." She says as she gets up and walks back to her table.

"Woah. she's pretty badass." Bloom comments.

"Very much so." Aisha agrees.

They watch as a brown haired boy aimed up to the table, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "And that's Louis. Air fairy." Terra informs them.

"Y/n's a lucky one." Musa mumbles.


Your POV

I sit in my bed scrolling through instagram when a knock comes from the door.

My suite mates are out doing who knows what, and a smile comes to my face.

I open the door and Louis walks in, carrying the CD player. "I'm all set." he says, putting it down.

It's a tradition of our to watch random First World movies, and today we're watching peter pan.

Weird, since Tinkerbell was an actual fairy, but whatever.

We set it all up and get cuddled under the blankets, my back pressed against his chest.

I switch on the movie, and the animations begin.

Louis traces shapes on my arms as we watch the movie.

Whenever i'm around Louis, his mind seems almost silent, my power at bay. Im able to think my own thoughts for once.

I guess it's a blessing and a curse.

That girl earlier, Bloom, she didn't even know me and they were gossiping about me. 

Tense at Louis touch and he stops abruptly. He presses his lips to my neck softly. "What's wrong love?" He whispers, pulling my waist closer. "I may not be able to read minds, but U can tell when something's up."

I sigh and turn to face him. His hand moves up and brushes my jaw gently with his thumb. "It's just... i don't know, people always are suspicious of me with my powers, and i think that i should be more cautious. I mean, what if i really am influencing you, what if—"

He cups my face and presses his lips to mine, cutting of my worries. He pulls away and leans his forehead on mine. "What am i thinking right now?" He asks gently.

I look into his eyes, and I tap into his mind, opening my thoughts to his.

It's a single thought on repeat.

I love you.

He's smiling softly and looking deep into my eyes. "I love when they turn that color." He whispers.

"I love you too." I say before crashing my lips onto his again.

He smiles into the kiss and his hand cups my cheek, the other on the small of my back, his fingers brushing lightly over the exposed skin from my hoodie rising a little.

I jump suddenly as I feel a shock, and I open my eyes to see Louis' eyes fade from an icy blue to his normal hazel. "Sorry." He mumbles sheepishly.

"Powers are tied to emotions huh?" I tease him. I run a hand through his hair and he leans into my touch.

He blushes a little and hugs me again, attempting to hide his face in my neck. "Shut it." He mumbles, making me laugh.

i have a really really good idea for a part two unless no one wants that

i promise, requests are still coming!

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