It's Just Acting • Louis

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speaking of which i need more tewkesbury ones-

anywho, i made an insta
@ noneofurbeezwax24_wp if you wanna hmu

I walk arms link with my best friend, Millie Bobby Brown. We walk onto the set, and I'm so excited.

Millie and I have been friends since forever, but this is the first project we get to work on together.

We go over at get coffee, Millie getting tea, and we make our way over to the trailers to hang out.

While walking I see a mop of brown hair.

A familiar mop of brown hair.

That little shit.

Now, I don't want to say Louis forgot about me once he started acting but...

He forgot about me once he started acting.

I clench my cup and pull Millie away, and she looks at me confused. "Don't you want to meet him?" She asks.

"We've already met." I growl.

Unlucky for me, as I look over my shoulder, he looks my way and his eyes widen. He jogs to get to us before I can successfully get to the trailer and I groan. "H-Hi Y/n." He says, biting his lip. "Long time no see."

"No shit sherlock." I say, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry... Did I miss something?" Millie asks, looking between the two of us.

"Yeah. This asshole ditched me to become famous." I spit, glaring at him. He looks down, obviously feeling guilty. "So much for 'best friends' huh?" I say, walking into my trailer and shutting the door.

I fall into the couch and roll up my sleeve. And there it sits on my wrist. Even after what he did to me, I couldn't bare to take it off.


3rd POV

Millie looks back to Louis and scoffs. "You knew her, didn't you?" She says calmly.

"Yeah...we were friends. But then..god I was so stupid." Louis says, tearing a hand through his hair. "I had the biggest crush on her too." He admits quietly. "But I was scared."

"So you shut her out? Way to go Louis. Way to go." Millie rolls her eyes and goes inside her trailer, leaving Louis by himself.


Today is the first day of filming. Y/n paces back and fourth, not very eager to film with Louis. She is still hurt.

She goes into hair and makeup and sits as far from Louis as possible, Louis' face not masking his sadness.

He never got over her.


Throughout filming, Y/n warmed up to Louis a bit, not avoiding him at all costs and smiling around him.

To say his crush on her grew is an understatement.

Today was the big day.

Their character's kiss scene.

Y/n tries to shake out her nerves as Millie comes in. "Today's the day!" She exclaims shaking her shoulders. "How do you feel?"

"Millie, calms down. It's purely a professional kiss It means nothing." Y/n rolls her eyes, swatting her hands away.

"Yeah, Louis kissing his crush probably means nothing." Millie mutters under her breath.

Y/n freezes in her tracks.

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