Zooms • Louis

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pretend louis is homeschooled


I sit on my bed, my computer in front of me as I take notes for the class.

I hear my door open and I spare a glance to see Louis leaning against the door frame, with a small pout on his face.

'What?' I mouth, seeing at my mic was on.

He holds his finger to his lips, motioning for my to turn my mic off. I sigh and do so, turning back to him. "What?" I ask again, slightly irritated.

"Are you almost done? I need cuddles. I haven't had any all day!" He exclaims with an adorable pout.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Louis, I'm still in school. It's literally 11 am. I have school until 2:30. We can do it then, ok?" I say sweetly.

Louis sighs and I go back to my class, unmuting because I think Louis had left the room.

DUN DUN DUN DUN! The piano plays, making my jump. Louis is at the piano with an evil smirk on his face. I quickly mute before he can scare my class again.


I cringe again. "Y/n? What's going on?" My teacher asks.

"N-Nothing Ms. Herman." I say and quickly muting again. "Louis!" I snap. "Just because homeschooling takes you like, half the time it does for me, doesn't mean I can hand out with you whenever! I have school too!"

He comes over and sits on the bed behind the laptop. "You're cute when your angry." He says simply.

I get very flustered, looking anywhere but him, and focusing on my class.

I'm one swift motion, he closes the laptop and tackles me in a hug. "Louis!" I shriek.

"Now you can cuddle." He mumbles into my ear.

I try to wiggle out of his hold, but he hugs very tightly.

I eventually give in and wrap my arms and legs around him, burying my face in his hair.

I feel him smirk against my neck, and I roll my eyes.

I hug my tightly, taking in his scent. "Maybe we should do this everyday." I mumble.

"That's what I'm saying!" Louis laughs, making me laugh as well. "Who needs school?"

"Not me!" I exclaim as I giggle at our antics

ok why do i feel like louis would be the clingy yet adorable boy-

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