Always • Louis

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based on the song " always " by isak danielson



I rung my hands together nervously as I waited for Y/N to walk out the school doors. I tap impatient against the pavement when she appears, a smile on her face as she laughs with her friends, making a smile appear on my lips as well.

I make eye contact with her, and she waved goodbye to her friends and speeds up to join my side. "Hi." She chirps, her bag slung over one shoulder, making her lean slightly to the side to support its weight.

"Hello." I respond, extending my arm to take her bag, when she seats it away.

"Don't worry Lou, I'm a big girl, I've got it." She assures as we turn and start to walk towards my car, the silence being filled by a light conversation.

"Why don't we walk today?" Y/N suggests, tugging at the sleeve of my jacket.

I look between her and notice the small cardigan she's wearing, not seeming to realize that it's freezing outside. "Are you sure? You don't even have a proper jacket on." I say, taking her hands between mine and blowing on them gently when I notice they're freezing.

"Louis, I'm fine." She tries to assure me. I furrow my brows and pull her closer to me, trying to shelter Y/N from the cold.

I feel her sigh and wrap her arms around me, her arms going under my jacket for the warmth, sending a shiver up my spine at the temperature of her hands, they're cold as hell, but I let her anyway.

Y/N's head rests on my chest, my arms rubbing up and down her back to keep her warm. "Let's go get some coffee or something." She murmurs, pulling away and looking up at me.

"Sure, love. Where do you want to go?" I ask, linking our hands and swinging them between the two of us as we started down the path, keeping Y/N close to my side just in case the cold became too much for her.

"Whatever's closest." She replies, squeezing my hand.

Turns out, the closest thing was a small coffee shop, the bell ringing over our heads as we entered the shop. At first glance, it was one of those places that might've barely had any customers, but once you entered, there was a warm and welcoming atmosphere with people sitting at most of the tables, all seeking refuge from the cold.

Sliding into a booth, we order quickly and Y/N and I start to hum along to the song playing over the speakers,

"Cause my darling you and I, could take over the world, one step at a time, just you and I." I sing quietly to Y/N, who smiles softly and looks down at the table to hide the blush creeping onto her face.

As I look at her, her soft features making an teasing smile come to my face at her reaction as she kicks my shin under the table, making me wince, yet a small laugh escapes my throat.

The waitress brings our order and we talk about school and the exams coming up, Y/N talks about how she's struggling with her history and spanish ones the most. I offer to help her with some of the workload, but she shakes her head, insisting that she needs to do it on her own.

After finishing up, we gather out things and head back to the school because my car is still parked there.

Driving anywhere with Y/N is always fun. The way she sits with her legs curled up the her chest because she claims it's more comfortable, the way she reaches over the armrest to hold my hand, and of course the way she yells at me for being a bad driver.

Arriving at the house, I put the car in park and look over at Y/N and she is already looking at me. "Let's go inside, watch a show maybe?" I suggest.

She nods and leans over the central divider, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before climbing out of the car, and I can see the grin on her face as she closes the door, leaving me to scramble out after her.


Hours later, with the TV still playing as Y/N rests in my arms, her back pressed against my chest as her soft breaths leave her lips, the episode of FRIENDS that she fell asleep to.

As I kiss the top of head as to say 'goodnight' and continue to run my hands up and down her arm in slow motions, my other arm around her waist as she moves closer to me in her sleep.

It's now that I let my mind drift over the days events and sometimes I get lost in my thoughts. For instance, like today, what if that song was a different song playing in the cafe earlier, would we have fallen asleep watching that episode?

There are so many things I could've done differently today, but I felt like it was perfect.

I look back down at Y/N and find myself frowning slightly. What if she is unhappy with today? What is she doesn't like the way I'm going about this whole relationship? Will we get our happy ending? Will we end up like Ross and Rachel?

I feel her move slightly, and look back at her just in time to see her rub her eyes tiredly and look up at me. She goes to open her mouth to say something but stops herself, moving her hand to move my jaw to face her, running her thumb over the side of my cheek. "What's with the big pout, love?" She asks quietly, her voice slightly raspy.

I shake my head quickly, a smile now replacing the frown. "It's nothing."

Running her fingers through my hair, I can see that Y/N doesn't quite believe me, but I know she won't push it.

I sigh, knowing it's going to bug me all night. "You would tell me if there's something I'm missing, right?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, looking up at me, "What do you mean?"

"I just — I want us to be always, you and me to the old days." I try to explain.

Y/N awes softly, sitting up and taking my hands in hers. "We will be always. Through the highs and the lows, we'll be always." She assures, squeezing my hands. "This is all I need."

She continues by kissing me, her hands locking behind my neck as she tries to communicate the rest of her words, and I feel her smile once I pull her closer, both of us bulling apart at the same time.

"Are you ready for the highs and lows?" She asks out of breath, to which I respond with the brightest smile,


sorry about a late publish , i was planning to publish this on sunday but then i had to work on finals stuff and yesterday i had too as well and i should also be working on my spanish final but i had to get this out first <3

and i think this was a lot more fluff than i normally write , but y'all deserved it.

also this song made me cry the first time i listened to is —

also the song that louis sang to Y/N is another sappy love song i've also become addicted to — just you and i by tom walker :D

also , last chapter will be the next one :'(

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