Yule Ball pt. 2 • Louis

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Louis walks down the hall with a smile on his face, the rest of Hufflepuff house ahead of him.

Suddenly, two red headed Gryffindors are at his sides. "How'd it go lad?"

"A little birdie told us you two danced together."

Louis keeps smiling and keeps walking, the twins at his sides. "I think... I've won our bet. I got a date first."

Fred and George stop in their tracks as Louis turns and smirks, walking backwards. "We'll now i owe you and Fred 5 sickles!" George cries as they catch up with Louis.

Louis smirks as he looks to his friends, "Honestly you two, I thought I was worth at least 10."

"Lou, you know Georgie here doesn't have that kind of money."

"But once we open our joke shop, we'll be on top of the world!"

— Three Weeks Later —

Louis waits at the bottom of the steps in the great hall nervously for his date.

He smiles at Cedric and Cho as they walk by, and the twins with their dates.

"Five galleons she won't show." Fred whispers to George, and Angelina slaps his arm.

"Leave him alone. She's going to come." She assures Louis before pulling his arm away.

"See you on the dance floor Louis." George says as he follows his twin.

Louis taps his sides nervously and he hears a commotion, and he look up and sees a group of girls, all wearing various dresses.

And then, Y/n walks around the corner nervously, and she finally comes so that Louis has a full view of her y/f/c color dress.

She looks up and meets Louis' eyes and the corners of her lips lift up and she continue to walk down the steps.

She meets him at the bottom of the stairs and he stands in awe of her. "Louis." She says, waving in front of his face to get his attention. "We've got a dance to get to, don't we?" She asks.

"Uh— Y—Yeah." He says with a blush painting his cheeks and ears as he extends his arm for her.

They stand in the line of students as they wait for the Champions to have their first dance.

As the music starts, Y/n cheers for Cedric as he waltzes by with Cho and a twinge of jealousy goes through Louis.

Soon, other couples start to join in. "Louis, will you dance with me?" Y/n asks, holding out her hand.

He accepts with a smile and she leads them onto the floor, picking up quickly on the music.

He hand finds his and Louis forgets to breathe for a second as she starts to lead them around the room, Louis doing all the lifts on time, even if they weren't perfect.

After the first few dances, they play a less complicated song, and Y/n moves both of her hands around Louis' neck and his go on her waist as the sway side to side.

Louis keeps seeing her glance periodically over his shoulder to where Cho and Ced are.

Louis looks down and back up to her eyes that are already on him. "Y/n, you didnt just go with me out of pity, right?"

"No! Why would think that?" She asks alarmed.

"Well, I just seeing you look. at Cedric a lot and uh—"

"Cedric and I are just friends! Merlin's beard, I even helped him as Cho to the ball. Louis, I promise, there's nothing there between us. I actually... really wanted to go with you." She says quietly, her cheeks reddening.

"W—Wait really?" He asks.

She nods and her hands move from his neck and they trace his jawline delicately. "If you didn't already know, I really like you, Lou."

He smiles which makes her smile as well, when he finally takes note of how close their faces are.

His heart pounds in his chest as he leans in slowly, his lips hovering over hers. He looks back up to her eyes which our focused on his lips. "May I?" He whispers, his breath fanning over her cheeks. She nods and he takes no time in closing the gap, Y/n's hands fiddling his the baby hairs on the back of his neck.

It's a short, passionate kiss, explaining what they never could with words. They pull away breathlessly and Y/n leans her forehead against Louis' as the music continues to play.

He gives her waist a small squeeze and she chuckles as they hold each other, finally content.

— After the Ball —

The students are being ushered out by the teachers, Y/n and Lou hand in hand.

"Lou!" Two voices call at the same time.

The couple turns to see the Weasleys running after him. "I'll catch up with you later, yeah?" He asks and she nods, letting go of their hands and finding her friends.

"Well done Lou." They say, but he's too focused on her.

"I think you're in love Lou!" Fred cries.

"Y/n I love you!" George sings to him.

"Y/n I do!" Fred continues as Louis tries to shush them.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" They sing together and Louis slaps their arms.


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