Quidditch • Louis

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reader is a gryffindor :))

i know louis is probably a hufflepuff, but for the sake of this imagine he's in slytherin.

set sometime after the battle of hogwarts idk when??? probably more modern times ig

Your POV

The Slytherin and Gryffindor teams mount their brooms and we wait for the whistle.

I look to Louis who is dressed in green and I in red and smirk.

"3, 2, 1, Go!" Madam Hooch shouts, tossing the quaffle into the air and immediately fly after it, my broom caring me through the air.

I catch it and throw it to my other chaser, the three of use passing between each other as we near the hoops.

The crowd roars around us, their cheers lifting our spirits.

Aaron passes the ball to me and I shoot it in the left hoop, the ball going straight through, the Slytherin players not standing a chance.

I fly by Louis who has his eyes out looking for the snitch and send a wink his way, to which he blushes slightly.

Louis barks out order to his team, our captain Theodora, doing the same. We continue the game, our team taking the lead with the Slytherins right on our tails.

We lead 130 to 110, the game is very close.

Various house cheer for the two teams, as this is probably they most intense match of the year.

Suddenly, the Slytherin chaser, Justin, goes on the move. I lean forward, my broom racing across the pitch as I set my eyes on him. I see him go to throw the quaffle and I quickly lunge forward, the ball almost in my reach.

What I don't see is the Slytherin beater take aim and swing as a bludger comes, directly at me.

Right as I'm about to grab the quaffle from mid-air, I see the brown ball come hurtling towards me, and then the world goes black.

Louis' POV

I watch the game from above, my eyes looking for the yellow snitch. I look towards the game and I see Y/n start to race toward the quaffle.

It's hard to root for your girlfriend when she's on the other team.

I look over to the other side of the field and I see Connor, the beater, look to Y/n. My eyes widen as a bludger comes to him and he winds up. "CONNOR NO!" I yell, but it's too late.

He swings the bat and makes direct contact with the ball, and sends it flying towards Y/n.

Before I can react, I am already soaring across the field, flying as fast as I can towards Y/n's falling form, her red robes flailing around her body.

I can practically hear the crowd holding their breaths as they watch me dive after her, my hair wiping in the wind. My face is set with determination as she near the ground.

Just about 30 feet in the air, I get ahold of her waist and I catch her. The crowd roars and cheers for me as I bring her to the ground safely.

"And the Reagan Thomas is on the move, she's spotted the snitch! She's over the stands, a corkscrew maneuver to avoid the bludger, and she's done it! 150 points to Gryffindor! Gryffindor wins!" The announcer shouts, but I could care less about the game.

I rush Y/n inside to the hospital wing. "Madam Pomfrey! Madam Pomfrey!" I call as she comes running out from her office.

"Oh dear! Set her down on the bed, I'll get to work." She immediately whisks medicines to the table and begins inspecting her.

"Will se be alright?" I ask worriedly.

"I've dealt with many Quidditch injuries in my days, boy. She'll be fine. Now shoo!" She says, pushing me out the room.

"But—" Before I can finish my sentence she slams the door in my face.

I groan and slide down the wall, my nerves taking over.

I hear footsteps down the hall and I look up to see the Gryffindor quidditch team coming my way, and surprisingly the Slytherin team as well.

"Is she alright?" Theodora asks.

"Madam Pomfrey says she'll be fine." I mutter. I stand and walk up to Connor. "I said not to aim for her! I said that and what do you do?" I yell at him.

He stands tall and says, "It's how you play the game."

I push him backwards and both teams gasp. "It better not happen again, or you'll be off the team." I stalk back over to the wall and sit back down, eager to wait as long as it takes.

(spongebob voice)
— Two Hours Later —

I jump up as the doors open and Madam Pomfrey looks to me, the only person still out here as most people have gone to lunch. "She's ok dear. Just a mild concussion and a sprained wrist. I already fixed her wrist, but the concussion might take a while. She should be better in at most, a few weeks time."

I rush inside after her and pull up a chair to Y/n's side. "Why isn't she awake?" I ask worriedly.

"I'm letting her rest. She'll wake in a few hours, and hopefully she'll have more energy." Pomfrey explains.

I nod and take her hand in mine, running my thumb over her knuckles.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Pomfrey look at me skeptically and opens her mouth to speak before thinking better of it and she returns to her office.


Your POV

I slowly open my eyes to the dark room, the moon shining brightly through the windows. I feel a weight in my hands and my eyes travel to the brown-haired boy with his hand in mine, his head on the bed, sleeping.

I gently squeeze his hand and he immediately shoots awake, his hair awry and his eyes puffy. "Oh Lou." I say, my hand breaking free of his grasp and tracing the side of his face as he leans into my hand.

"I'm so happy you're awake." He says with a tired smile.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Connor hit you with a bludger during the match." He says, looking down. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." I say, running my hand over his cheek. "But I do have one question.... Did we win?"

He laughs at my competitive spirit and nods. "Right after I had caught you, Reagan caught the snitch."

"Yes! Even knocked out and I can still beat you!" I tease him. "Now how long before I can once again, kick your arse at quidditch?"

"Madam Pomfrey says you have a concussion, and that you'll have to stay in bed for a few more days."

I grain and lean back and sigh. I look over to Louis before scooting over and patting the bed next to me. "You look uncomfortable in that chair. Practically begging me to give you room on the bed." I laugh.

He takes off the top Slytherin robe to reveal some more comfortable clothes. "Madam Pomfrey insisted I changed if I was to stay her with you." He explains before climbing into the bed, hugging me to his side. "Get some rest love." He says, kissing my forehead.

I turn and rest my head on his chest, his steady heartbeat lulling me to sleep.

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