A Chance • Louis

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tell me if you want some special shit or whatever, like a q&a or something??

ravenclaw reader x slytherin louis

i pinky promise the next harry potter au will be a slytherin reader.


Y/n carries her book bag with the rest of the Ravenclaws heading to Charms with the Slytherins. She gets to her desk and sits down, one Ravenclaw to a desk and one Slytherin.

She taps her fingers on the desk as the Slytherins arrive, rolling her eyes when Louis sits down next to her.

See, Louis has always had a crush on Y/n, and she knew this. He'd ask her out plenty of times, but she always declined, saying her studies were more important.

And, that was partially true, but she was also scared.

Scared that she might get hurt.

And she doesn't want to have that distraction anyway.

"Hi Y/n." Louis says, taking out his parchment and quill.

"Hello Partridge." She answers quietly.

"Ooh. Back to last name basis? Come on I though we'd made progress." He jokes and Y/n smiles and looks down.

Maybe he isn't the only one who has developed feelings.

Maybe he's grown on her, since he tries to sit next to her in every class so that they can get closer.

"Sorry, Louis." She gives in and he smiles.

She looks over at him and notices something different. "When did you get that?" She asks, pointing to his ear.

He smirks and shows off the new piece of jewelry "It was a dare. Nott did it for me last night." He says proudly. "I've always wanted one really."

"Cool." She says, turning back to her paper.

The class begins, and throughout the whole time, Y/n can feel his eyes stealing glances of her. Every time, her cheeks grow warm.

After their classes, Y/n goes, of course, to the library to study for the exam tomorrow. She takes out her materials and starts to scribble notes down, until a familiar presence plops down next to her.

"What Louis?" She asks, her focus not leaving the page.

"I was just coming to ask you if you could help me with the exam tomorrow." He says nervously.


"Because—Because you're smart and you know the things—"

"Are you using me because of my smarts?" She teases him, but Louis doesn't seem to catch on.

"No! Never! I would never I just... I wanted to— I wanted to ask you to hogsmeade this weekend." He stutters.

"Louis," She says, facing the flustered boy, "I.. I really like you but—"

"Then why not?" He begs. "All I'm asking for is a chance."

Y/n sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "I just... Don't want to get hurt again." She says.

He takes her hands and runs his thumbs over her knuckles. "Y/n, listen to me. You are the prettiest girl in our year, and you're smart, you're talented, you're so perfect. I would never, ever, dream of hurting you. All I'm asking is a chance."

She looks into his hazel eyes and sighs. "Fine Partridge. One shot. You get one. Do not throw away your shot." She says, packing up her stuff.

— Three Months Later —

Y/n and Louis sit in the astronomy tower, gazing at the stars.

His head rests in her lap as she runs her fingers through his locks, their house scarves wrapped around their necks.

Y/n shivers as a cold breeze passes them and Louis sits up. "You cold, love?" He asks, pulling her into a hug.

She leans into his warmth, her hands going under his clock and resting in his clothed back.

She breathes in the smell of him, closing her eyes and just enjoying his presence.

Louis gazes up at the stars above, then back down to the girl in his arms and smiles. "And you didn't want to date me." He teases.

She hits his shoulder lightly. "I was scared ok?"

"Of moi?" He says over dramatically.

Y/n looks up and cups his face. "I was scared of relationships. But, I don't think I'm afraid anymore." She says, placing her lips onto his before pulling away. "I better get back." She says, standing up and dusting herself off. "Meet you outside the Great Hall for breakfast?"

He stands as well and kisses her again, Y/n's hands finding his hair and Louis' arms going around her waist. When they both pull away out of breath, he mumbles, "See you then."

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