Merry Christmas? pt. 2 • Louis

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requested by @iluvlouisp



n/y/c = name of your choice (preferably a name with significance in your family)


— 9 months later —

No one's POV

Y/n cries in pain as Louis cradles her head in the car.

The contractions have already begun.

"CAN YOU DRIVE FASTER?" Louis yells at his sister as she races to the hospital.



"SHUT UP!" Y/n screams, "Both of you just shut up!"

"JUST FUCKING DRIVE!" Louis yells.

"IM TRYING!" Issie yells at the two and Louis tries to make Y/n as comfortable as possible.

They pull up to the hospital and Y/n is whisked away down the hall, Louis right behind her as Issie waits for the rest of the family to get there.

(a/n: i'm skipping over A TON of stuff so just ignore that)

Throughout the whole process of getting ready for the baby, Louis practically never leaves her side, and he is totally stressing more than Y/n.

At the moment, as the doctors prepare for the next step, Y/n is sitting up and Louis has her hand wrapped in both of his, their foreheads together as Louis whispers fantasies of their little son running around the house and how proud he is of Y/n, both with tired eyes and smiles.

Their parents aww at the couple as Louis runs his hand over her engagement ring and wedding band on her finger.

They seem to stay like that for a while, occasional pecks and a ton of 'i love you's shared between the two as Louis tries to shake off his nerves.

A couple of hours later, and it's time to push. The doctors tell Y/n when to push, counting to ten each time.

The whole time, Louis' hand never leaves hers as she groans in pain and Louis whispers sweet nothings and words of encouragement to her.

After about 10 pushes, the baby finally comes and Y/n gets to hold him for a split second before the doctors whisk him away to clean him up.

They call Louis over to cut the umbilical cord and he's so jittery as tears of joy stream down his face.

After swaddling the child, he's brought back to Y/n as she cries as well, kissing his tiny hands. Louis looks down lovingly at the pair, his small family growing.

Y/n looks up and sees Louis smiling down at her and she motions him to come closer. "Do you want to hold him?" She asks quietly.

He nods and she transfers the baby to his arms and Louis cries even more. "Hi bubba." he whispers. The baby's tiny hand comes up and wraps around Louis' finger and he almost bursts from joy as his other hand sways him slowly.

Louis soon passes him to all the grandparents as the extended family including Louis' sisters (and Y/n's siblings if you have any) come in once Y/n is dressed and situated.

They all talk in hushed whispers as they pass him around until eventually after about twenty minutes, he's passed back to Y/n and everyone except Louis is ushered out so she can rest.

"What should we name him?" she asks quietly as she looks down at their son as he sleeps in her arms.

The two brainstormed names, yes, but they didn't want to decide on one until after they saw him.

"Well... I was thinking Dallas as a first name and N/y/c as his middle name." Louis whispers as he strokes his small head.

Y/n nods and kisses Louis' lips. "Perfect."

"I love you. So. Much." Louis answers in between pecks. "And I love our son."

i know i skipped most of the labor part but i just wanted the fluff of the baby being born.

i don't know why but i absolutely love the name dallas and i have no idea why.

who knows, maybe dallas will make more appearances in later chapters.

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