arringtonallen1 twinn serving looks !! perioddd *comment liked but valeriamont*
Today I wasn't with Val because she was doing a photoshoot with Tati. (a/n: she's the girl on tiktok who takes the majority of their photos! her name is @illumitati on insta.)
I honestly wanted to spend every second of my day with her but I didn't want to be too overbearing because I know she doesn't really like that. But it's crazy because in a way, Val is like that just unknowingly.
I've picked up a lot of her mannerisms over the past year of knowing her and she doesn't even realize it.
Like when she's happy, she can't control her excitement and she talks about what's making her so happy for days. Or when she's sad, she doesn't like talking about her emotions with others because it makes her want to cry...
When she's feeling shy and nervous around others, she plays with the short hairs on the back of her neck, not thinking anyone notices but I always do. She would ask me at times how do I know her so well, and I just smile and tell her, "it's because I'm Vinnie." She hated every time I'd say that but she would just brush me off. I loved everything about Valeria, but I just wish I could read what she was thinking so I wouldn't be scared to tell her how I'm feeling.
I love her more than anything and it's weird because I haven't loved anyone like this before.
Obviously I love my brother and my parents. My friends as well. But loving a girl who you can't imagine life without is scary.
In the months that me and Val weren't talking I couldn't even forgive myself for hurting her. I knew Valeria was the one from the beginning but I was being selfish. I didn't know that I had it good until it was gone and I had to deal with the repercussions.
Emily wasn't the girl of my dreams. She was just someone I would go to when I needed an escape from falling for Valeria even more.
"What are you thinking about?" I hear Ben say from the door of my bedroom.