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*3 months later* (will be my final time skip for a while )

"I still think you should come to l.a for the summer. You haven't been here in what? Three months? I miss you and I'm lonely without you." Dixie says over the phone.

"I don't care about l.a anymore. I only use to go because of work, and to see my friends. But guess what? I haven't been on social media in 3 months so work hasn't been getting done. And I barely have friends anymore. I have you, Emma and Charli who are my closest friends in l.a , then I have my best friend here back at home. I haven't even been able to spend time quality with her when I was back in la but now that I'm here she's getting all the my time." I tell Dixie truthfully. Willow is and has been my best friend since we both were in the 5th grade.

We were new to our middle school and she was the first person to ever go out their way to speak to me. We became best friends after a few months and since then she's been my rock. I love her more than anything and she's helped me with a lot. She helped me with my ex, she helped me when I was going through things mentally and when I finally came back to New York after the whole Vinnie situation she was there for me and I was always there for her.

"Then bring Willow with you! We would love to meet her! Please just maybe consider it?" Dixie pleads.

"Mhmm, we'll see."

"I've never been to Los Angeles! I'd love to go and meet your friends!" Willow jumps happily.

"No! You're supposed to say no! And that you'd never want to go there!" I yell.

"Why would I say that? Like I understand that you don't wanna go because of Vinnie and all, and that's pretty understandable. But Dixie and Charli didn't do anything to you. Can't we just go to visit them and then be on our merry way back to New York?" Willow questions.

"That's the thing! You wouldn't want to leave if we went." Willow always loved the idea of traveling. She's been to Paris, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Miami... practically everywhere I've dreamed on going. Los Angeles is one of her top priorities and I know she'd love it... but I already know that if we end up staying longer Vinnie is going to come around and I'll have to face him. He's texted almost everyday for the past 3 months apologizing, but I've put him on do not disturb and turned off my dms. Yeah call me stubborn but I honestly don't want to hear what he has to say. He chose who he wanted, so I hope he's having the time of his life.

"I still think we should go. It doesn't have to be for you, or them, but do it for me. That's all I'm asking you." Willow smiles, as she continues to look through her phone. Fuck. She's knows I can never tell her no.

"Ugh, fine. You still need to ask your-."

"Already did! I had a feeling you'd give in so I asked my mom. She said yes of course!!" Willow cheers.

"You sneaky bitch." I retort.

"Oh but you love it."




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