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*2 months later*

I would say this has been the best two months of my life. Me and Vinnie text constantly, we're always on the phone and we just enjoy each others company... I think we're actually starting to recognize our feelings for eachother and it makes me scared but I'm willing to go the extra mile if that's what we both want. I care a lot about him, and I tell him this all the time... I'm just waiting till he's ready, and then we can finally, hopefully, label whatever it is that we are.

No we haven't kissed, or done anything merely exciting, but we don't even think about that when we talk on the phone or when we're around eachother. It's just us two vibing and it's great.


23,829 likesvalpal he's really all i ever think about

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valpal he's really all i ever think about...
View all 1,821 comments

user whooo?!

user so pretty

avani yall too cute🥺
>valpal no you are Bebe🥺💖

user shes so fckn cute
>valpal i love you❤️

user i wanna marry u

vhackers and if u were my little girl...
>valpal stop before i act up-
>dixiedamelio simp simp simpy simp


user oop- bae watchhh^^

tiktokroom Vinnie and Valeria on bae watch I see🙂
>user tbh they would cutee
>user though him and Emily were a thing🥱

brycehall beautiful ❤️
>valpal ilysm🙄

joshrichards cute

user i want to date her

user we stan a beauty queen

charlidamelio i love you🥺
>valpal love you more than air

user so annoying

emmachamberlain my wife
>valpal my husband
>emmachamberlain i can do this all night, my lover

thechrisdaniels fireee

siennamae baby🥰🥺
>valpal ilysm bae

miahayward i miss you :(


This has to have been the worst two months of my life. Trying to keep up with both Valeria and Emily is physically draining. Valeria is great though, don't get me wrong. It's just Emily fucking takes up all my time and energy. She wants to do everything together at all crazy times of the night, and Valeria wants to talk on the phone all night, and I just can't.

I don't even know how I'm still managing on but I am. And I might've slipped up and spilled the beans to Troy... and Bryce... and Nick... who's Valeria's best friends... which was dumb as fuck now that I think about it but I'm sure he won't tell her because to a certain extent, it's bro code not too... I was dumb for telling them but I wasn't going to tell any of the girls. They'd be the first one to tell her, and I have this under control. I know what I'm doing, I just need a little space and time from them both to gather my thoughts.


273,829 likesvhackers i honestly just need a break

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vhackers i honestly just need a break...
View all 3,829 comments

user aw babyy

user take all the time you need :(

zarbruh yeah you do... maybe a boys trip

user aww what's wronggg

user lol

brycehall talk about needing a break.. you really need one my guy

blakegray a FAT break

user the boys know what's up...

user the boys know y he's sad... they are so obvi

valpal aw what's the matter bubba:(

emmnicoll noo what's wrong :( text me🥺

user um... so we gonna ignore both val and emilys comments
>user Uh ... does he have two girlfriends

user hmm this comment section got awkward

dixiedamelio um-
>charlidamelio :/
>avani I'm confusion
>valpal lol u and me both

user drama in paradise

user RAIL ME


hey girlies

it's currently 12 am when im posting lol

hope u are enjoying it

vote comment and share


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