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When I woke up the next morning, I was extremely tired. After last nights events, Vinnie and I stayed up for the majority of the night messing around until we finally got tired at like 4 am. It was 11am when I finally turned around in the bed and faced the window, automatically regretting my decision once the sun light peaked through. I practically blinded me, as if I wasn't already blind enough.

I mentally groaned but peeled myself from the bed sheets.

Vinnie was sleeping soundly, and I just sat there looking at him for a minute before I got up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I was done with that I washed my face like usual and walked back into my room to find my glasses. You could imagine how hard this was for me, since my eyesight is one of the worst things that comes with being Valeria.

However I luckily found them sitting by and empty glass in my room. I picked them up and placed them onto my face, grasping the glass cup in my hand before walking out of my room and into the kitchen, making sure to close the door behind me. I was shocked to see Willow sitting in the kitchen so early, since she usually sleeps in until 2pm, but then I remembered she wasn't here last night and was with Nick. I was dying to ask her how that went. "Hey pumpkin." I state, walking in.

"Hey baby. How was last night with Vincent." She states, wiggling her brows.

"It was great. He's really amazing, like everything about him. I love that kid." I tell her, making a smile creep up onto her face. "Ugh! Young love! I hope one day I can be like you." She dramatically responds.

"Oh shut up! Like I don't know that you were with Nick last night. How did that go?" I ask her. She automatically rolls her eyes, and I already feel something bad coming on. "What" I question. "It's nothing honestly. It was good, it really was. But I didn't stay the whole night. I came in around 5 am because I couldn't stay there." She shyly tells me. "Willow! Why? I thought you really liked him."

"I do Valeria, I really do. But I can't but feel like I'm rushing things with him. He just got out of things with Madison, and I can't help but feel like he's still not over her. Plus I don't think I can deal with this lifestyle he has. Like he's well known, girls love him of all ages, and once they know he's talking to me they fucking end me!" She says.

"Oh fuck them! The same thing is what I felt when it came to Vinnie but I realized that if I like him I'm not going to let people who are hating on me to fuck that up! And you shouldn't either!" I tell her.

"But you're Valeria! Everyone knows you. I'm Willow from apartment 5F in Manhattan. A nobody who's only known for her friendship with you!"

"I'm still Valeria from 6A, Willow. You're letting this stupid lifestyle that I live get to you. I wouldn't have brought you out here if I didn't think you couldn't fit in. You're literally one of us! All of my L.A friends love you, probably more than me. You get along with all of them, you practically have a fan base of your own... Willow you're so much more than what you think you are. You're beautiful, courageous, and you're my best friend. Nick would be stupid if he didn't want you. But I see the way he looks at you. He likes you, and you like him. So just let what happens, happen." I say, grasping her hands in my hand.

"Alright... I'm sorry I that I probably ruined your morning I know Vinnie is still here and all." Willow apologizes, making me fan my hand at her.

"It doesn't matter. I'm your friend first, and a girlfriend second. I'll always make time for you." I say, pulling her in for a hug. Willow hugs back before she pulls away, a smile evident on her face. I turn around and see that Vinnie was standing in the doorway of my room, chest clad in a black shirt with a pair of black sweats hanging low on his hips.

"Good morning Mr.Hacker. Someone looks like they had a wonderful night." Willow smirks, making me choke on my water.

"I definitely did. Did you know that when Val is hor-." Vinnie goes to say but I'm quick to slap a hand over his mouth, silencing him. Willow laughs at our interaction, also making Vinnie smile through my hand.

"It's fine, keep playing games. We all know who won't be getting none next time." I shrug, carelessly throwing myself onto the couch. "Hey! Hey! Let's not be dramatic. I didn't even get into the details." He says, raising his arms in the surrendering position. "Oh yeah, because I'm sure Willow would love to hear about my sex life." I sarcastically state. "I actually would... why are you acting as if that's a topic I'm shy about." Willow states seriously, making me slap mommy hand to my head.

"I know that, but he didn't, pendeja ." I curse, causing Vinnie's face to scrunch up.

"What does that mean."

"It means beautiful." I smile, squishing his cheeks in my hand.

"No it doesn't, it means asshole. You know what, that should be your next YouTube video. Teaching my gringo boyfriend Spanish." She smiles, making me laugh. "Hey! Are you making fun of me because I'm white?"

"Oh stop being dramatic, Vinegar. You're not that special." Willow retorts, making Vinnie flip her off.

"Oh shut up."



valeriamont Willow gave me this great idea for my next YouTube video... let's just say, I'm putting Vinnie through ✨hell ✨:) he's gonna be so stressed
384 comments   1,929 retweets   3,892 likes

vinniehacker Willow is a pain in my ass, but just know by next week I'm gonna be fluent in Spanish😉
627 comments  2,929 retweets  5,293 likes


heyy beauts

next few chapters will be longer, I've just been reading wattpad fanfics of harry because yes❤️

sorry this chapter was so short yall

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