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"Can I have a bite of your burger and you can have a bite of mine?" I ask Vinnie.

He looks at me for a long time, before responding. "What's the difference? We both are still eating burgers..."

"Okay. But yours is stuffed with cheese and mine just has a shit ton of bacon. I was hoping I could get a bite because I wanted to try a cheese stuffed burger you imbecile." I tell him, rolling my eyes. Vinnie laughs at me before he sticks his hand out, handing me his burger.

I happily place mine down, and grab a hold of his burger in my hand. I take a bite out of the side and watch as the cheese from in the burger comes out so nicely. "That'll make your pussy throb." I laugh making Vinnie choke on the soda that he was drinking.

"You're crazy." He replies, laughing.

"Only for you... and food." I smile.

Vinnie goes to grab a hold of my burger but I swat his hand away quickly.

"It's the same thing. You can't taste mine sorry baby."I say, mocking him. Vinnie looks at me shocked but doesn't even say anything, he just smiles and continues to eat his food.

We continued small talk for the remainder of the time until we decided that we were going to watch a movie. I hadn't seen the movie After yet, but I've read the books because... you know...Harry Styles. So we decided to put that on.

Vinnie obviously didn't want to watch the movie, so he laid in my lap while I played with the curls at the back of his neck. He was awfully quiet and that only brought me back to the conversation we were having earlier.

"So are you going to finally tell me what you were going to say to me earlier?" I question, causing him to sit up from his spot on my bed.

"Oh... I almost forgot." He says sarcastically, making me roll my eyes.

"Spit it out. You've buttered me up for practically the whole night, insisting it wasn't something horrible so I'm dying to know what you're going to say."

"W-Well... it's something I've been thinking about for a while. I hadn't come to terms with it until recently but it's like I've always known... I just never told you..." He stutters out. "Okay.." I say, dragging out the 'y'. "I just want you to know that with what I'm about to say... you don't have to respond if you're not ready." He says, cautiously, only making me more scared.

"Vinnie if you're asking me to marry you I'm going to say no. I'm too young!" I state, making him laugh.

"I'm not asking to marry you... at least not yet." He sneakily says, causing me to hit him.

"Say it!" I urge.

"Alright! Alright. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. More than anything in this world, I love you. I've loved you from the moment I met you a year ago on tiktok. I love everything about you, and I just wanted to tell you this now because it kills me to not say it every time we hang up the phone. I hate saying 'Bye baby', when I could just simply tell you that I love you; knowing it'll make your entire day." Vinnie finally says, causing me to freeze. I couldn't comprehend at first that he was telling me that he loved me but I know I understood.

It all kind of made sense as to why he was so nervous earlier. I was just to dim to even notice that that's the only possible thing he could really have to tell me. It hadn't even dawned on me that we didn't say it, because I didn't think we had too. I felt like we already somewhat had it established but just without saying it.

But I knew I loved him too, so why was I still frozen and completely silent.

"Y-You don't have to feel the same... Valeria, I'll be fine." He speaks up after a while.

"W-Wait! No wait Vinnie. I love you too. I love you so much. It's just... I've been thinking about it recently too, and I talked to Willow and she told me to just go out and tell you and I'm a bit shy around you still so I can't just come out with it like 'Ahh I love you', you know? But I do love you.. okay I said that like 4 times right now sorry, I'm rambling again." I say, shutting my mouth.

I can practically see what a relief that was to Vinnie when I told him that I loved him back. But then he starts laughing at me because he noticed how frantic I looked.

"I'm sorry baby. I just can't help but to laugh when you get like that. And you don't need to be shy around me, I love you and you can be open with me." He say pulling me in for a hug.

"I love you too." I reply, placing a kiss to his lips.

Vinnie deepens the kiss a bit more, and we both just get in the moment. We aren't thinking about anything else besides us two and how comfortable we are with each other. The love that we're building... the intimacy we're sharing... that's all that matters.

After a while we pull away from each other because it started to get a bit heated and we never really talked about going further in our relationship like that. I mean I was no virgin, because sadly I made the decision of giving my virginity to someone who I despise now, but it was over and done with. "I had to pull away because I can't really contain myself around you, Val."

"Who says I want you to contain yourself around me?" I state, matter of factly.

Vinnie gives me the side eye, looking as if he's saying, 'are you deadass'.

"You don't mean that..." He tells me.

"How would you know what I mean? You're not in my head." I tell him. "True but what if you're not... ready." "Vinnie I'm not a virgin." His lips automatically form into a 'o' shape making me laugh.  

"Is it bad that I have a condom in my wallet?
I wasn't even thinking about sex or anything with you I just have them for you know... reassuring purposes. Wait that sounded wrong, I meant like I want to have sex with you but like I don't wanna rush anything because you know-." He was rambling because he was nervous and I honestly found it adorable.

"Vinnie please shut up. I don't care about the wallet condom or your bad ways of explaining things. You're more nervous than me, and I'm the shy one here." I say.

He runs a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. This is just a really intimate moment that I don't even know how to handle." He tells me.

"Believe me, I know. I'm freaking out internally. But I'm ready if you are." I tell him, taking his hand into mine.

"I am."

"I love you baby."

"I love you." He says, before kissing me again.


happy new yearsss babies❤️

i promised this chapter yesterday, but it was New Year's Eve and I got all dolled up to sit in my house and I actually felt cute, which is superrr rare for me so I'm sorry I didn't update it then.

but here's a new chapter to start the new year off right:

thank you all for making the ending of my 2020 worth it. i went through a hell of an emotional rollercoaster, and the kind comments you all give me and the support with this story is astronomical.

I hope you all liked this chapter.

Cheers to 2021!

If you're currently a senior in highschool, we're graduating this year yall!!! aye

vote comment and share?!

thank you for everything 🧡


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