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"I'm not deleting the video." I tell Valeria. She's been bugging me for the past two days to delete it, but I've simply been refusing. "No. Why do you want me to delete it so bad?" I question.

"Everyone's saying mean comments! I don't wanna see that kind of stuff anymore." She whines. "Then don't read them! Didn't we have this talk already? You're always reading the negative shit that's being said and it's not good for this right here." I tell her, pointing her head. "But why won't you delete it!!"

"Because I want everyone to see that you're all I think about." I smile, kissing her forehead. A light shade of pink tints her cheeks and I finally feel like I've got here where I want her. "Aww... now delete it." She smiles, looking back up to me. On second thought, I guess I don't have her where I want her. "No baby." "You know what, you're mean." She tells me. I shake my head, laughing, but that only angers her so she gets up and leaves out of my room, making sure to hit me in the face with a pillow before she goes.

I don't chase after her, I just open my phone and scroll on tiktok. After a while I see a notification from instagram seeing that she went live. So I click on it and it opens up to her sitting on the floor in Kio's room.

"Hey guys." She says. She puts on this sad act and I can already tell what she's doing. All the comments start asking "what's wrong," or "why are you sad?" To which she answers, "It's nothing really. Vinnie is just... really, really, mean. He hurt my feelings guys." She says, sounding even more dramatic than before.

vinniehacker you're being dramatic baby

"Am I being dramatic? Or are you being an asshole? The world may never know." She states, after reading my comment. Laughing at what she says, I roll my eyes and continue typing.

vinniehacker y'all she wants me to delete the video because ppl keep mentioning her or sending her hate😕 please stop targeting my beautiful beautiful friend. I can kiss who I want, when I want, with consent of course.

"Oh you guys are so soft!" She says to the chat. A bunch of comments start to roll in, many of them asking where she's at, and why is it so dark. "I'm sitting on the floor, in a room." She simply replies.

vinniehacker yeah she left to go sit on the floor in kio's room while he's playing a game on pc

vinniehacker he doesn't even know she's behind him

"You're a big mouth Vinnie! Shut up, nosy!"

I was honestly getting bored of being in the room alone, so I set my phone down on the bed and got up to go in Kio's room. When I got there, Valeria was sitting in a corner by the closet, so I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder causing her to yelp. "Ow!! What are you doing to me! Put me down." She yells. "Guys I'm gonna go, I'll be back on later." She says shortly after. Her body goes completely limp now that she's finished flapping her body all around, so place her on bed, laying next to her.

"You could've just told me to come back to the room." Valeria finally says, looking towards me.

"What's the fun in that then?" I question, making her  roll her eyes.

"My sister called me yesterday and was so upset. She said 'how dare you kiss Vinnie when you know that h supposed to be with me'." Valeria laughs out. "Oh my god, how old is she?" I laugh.

"She's 11! I told her she was being dramatic though because friends can kiss people." She tells me, nonchalantly. Automatically I raise my eyebrows at the word 'friends'. I mean, yeah we didn't label it yet but are we not in the talking faze? "What? Why did you just do that?" She ask. "What ? Why did I do what?" I question, even though I knew what she was talking about.

"Why when I said we were friends, did you make that face?"

Scratching the back of my neck, I look away but then back at her. "I mean, I was thinking that we were talking... like we kissed the other night.... and then a few more times after that... so I was just assuming." I state truthfully. "O-Oh. Well I only said friends because I didn't know if we were talking or just... enjoying each other's company, you know?"

"I always enjoy your company baby.... but I was definitely enjoying it more when there's no talking and just kissing." I say, pulling her in for a kiss. Valeria kisses back, but pulls away quickly. "Oh so you like it when I'm not talking huh?" She retorts. "No! Oh my god! No I didn't mean it that way. And you know it." I laugh, making her laugh along.

"I know. I just like making you embarrassed." She smiles.

She sits with her back against the headboard of the bed, scrolling through her phone while I do the same, just laying down. We don't say anything, just enjoying the silence around us when she suddenly speaks. " I want to but Willow on a blind date with Nick."

"Nick told you about his little crush?" I say mindlessly. "He told you?" She ask.

"Yeah he told me the night when I drove you and Willow home. He said that they were talking practically the whole night, getting to know each other more and by the end of the night he was whipped." I tell her. "Maybe we should go on a double date? Wait no I can't- he told me not to tell her or pry into his love life." She says dismissively.

"Maybe I can get him to change his mind. I know you want them both to be happy."

"Would you really? Oh my god this would be so cuteee." She says excitedly.



"I have a plan

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"I have a plan... I cannot tell you the plan because the HATERS WILL SABOTAGE ME! but just know, I have a plan"


hey y'all...

I'm not feeling this chapter...

It's honestly ass and I wasn't motivated to write it like how I usually am, but I promise I'll do better :(

btw y'all can message me ideas for the story! and I'll 100% take it into consideration! i like using other people's ideas along with my own tbh! :)

vote comment and share??

thank you for everything💖


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