~Departure for Delos~

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Like they were asked to, the 7 chosen candidates arrived at Dion on a beautiful sunny day. From a hill situated on the other side of the village, Marcel, with tears running down his face, shouted a loud scream of joy when finally seeing the splendor of the village, known to be the most gorgeous of them all.

When laying his eyes on this beautiful canvas, a multitude of flashbacks in which he could see the sweet moment he spent with his deceased parents came back flashing before his eyes; Memories where his father would describe to him the virtue of the beautiful village set before him, the clearness of its skies, the fictitious scent of roses that spread throughout every corner of the magnificent village, and the peace which was felt by all men who entered the holy temples located at the foot of mount Olympus.

Lost in his thoughts, Marcel recalled the sweet bedtime stories in which his mother would explain to him how Poseidon, the ruler of the seven seas, ensured that the water from the rivers of this breathtaking village was eternally crystal clear, further on narrating to the young man the secrets to the excellent sweet taste of the apples that grew in its field and the harmony that was felt in that particular land. Simultaneously sad and happy, with tears running down his face, Marcel tumbled headfirst to the ground as if he were kneeling, lifted his arms to the sky, and whispered in pain the last phrase his parents spoke to him," Although I may not understand your doings, my faith will forever be in you, for you are my gods, and I am your servant." After spending several minutes reminiscing about his past, Marcel stood up, dried his tears, and headed towards the village's dock, the place where he and the other chosen candidates were supposed to embark on the boat in which they would travel.

Knowing that although utterly unaware of the quest they were about to embark on, the candidates would feel suspicious about embarking on an empty boat, the Olympian gods, who had been planning the Olympian trials for several weeks, decided to meet one more time before the arrival of the candidates on the dock. Not understanding the reason for his presence, Hermes, who believed to be of no use in the current situation, raised his voice to express his confusion before being stopped by Poseidon who explained to the messenger of gods that he would serve as a mere back up if the goddess of wisdom would have refused to help them trick several humans into doing what they desired.

Know to be one of the most beautiful women ever to set foot on Mount Olympus, was the gorgeous, cunning, and powerful goddess of wisdom called Metis, mother of several sons of Zeus and first spouse of the powerful lord of thunder. Considered to be both an indispensable aid and a threat to the ruler of Olympus, the powerful goddess ruled with might and power alongside her husband until receiving a prophecy that would change the entire course of her life. In this mysterious prediction, it had been said that Metis would bear powerful children, the first being Athena, the goddess of war, and Poros, a god born with colossal power that would make him more powerful than Zeus, the powerful ruler of Olympus.

Realizing that his supremacy over the habitants of Olympus could be troubled due to the potential birth of miraculously gifted children, Zeus, the lord of thunder, tricked his spouse into turning herself into a fly and swallowed her. Although proud of his achievements, the lord of thunder would quickly see himself trapped with fear when realizing that his spouse had already given birth to their daughter, the mighty goddess of war, Athena. Although trapped in the stomach of the mighty ruler of Olympus, the crafty goddess of wisdom used the ounces of strength she had to free her spirit, rending her able to maneuver across the world how she saw fit. Afraid of Zeus, the weakened goddess of wisdom chose to hide her spirit in an enchanted forest, where she would kill any human or god that would ever try to enter her precious realm.

Apprehending that the goddess of wisdom would surely refuse to have an audience with any god having a certain bond with Zeus and his children, Apollo, the god of oracles, began asking the various gods planning the Olympian trials with him if they knew any god that sympathized with the goddess of wisdom. Knowing that his elder brother had been on good terms with Metis from the dawn of time, Poseidon, the ruler of the seven seas, raised his voice, stating that Hades, the underworld ruler, was the ideal person for the laborious challenge they had before them.

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