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After having annihilated the candidate he tremendously hated with his entire heart, Hades, the mighty lord of the underworld, filled with tremendous joy, would rejoice when finally seeing one of the puny mortals he loathed turn into a pile of dust. Having endlessly waited for the day he would get the punish the young mortal, the lord of the underworld would be more than satisfied with himself as rejoiced when finally seeing one of the multiple plans he made come to pass.

Meanwhile, Tremendously annoyed when watching the lord of the underworld celebrate after having obliterated Samantha from the surface of the earth, was Poseidon who couldn't stand his elder brother's attitude as the powerful god would begin fuming in rage before inevitably trying to hurt his brother, who he thought to be behaving inappropriately. Having created multiple bonds with the chosen candidates partaking in the Olympian trials, Poseidon couldn't stand watching his brother Hilariously laughing at Samantha's remains, for he thought it was a disrespectful act no being should have deserved. After observing Samantha's final actions, Poseidon would think to himself that although guilty, the young woman who had spent most of her life cursing and dishonoring the gods would have acted with great humility as she never once tried to defend herself nor did she ever try to explain her past unholy actions.

Admiring the great humility that was present in the young girl's heart, the mighty god would be moved when seeing that the only thing the young mortal ever tried to do when being judged by the lord of the underworld was accepting all the mistakes she had done as it could clearly be seen that she was sorry for all the pain she had caused. Filled with rage when seeing that his brother had wrongfully killed her without giving it a second thought, the fuming lord of the seas would stand from the throne on which he was seated before trying his best to run after his brother who wouldn't stop laughing after sadistically murdering the young Samantha. When seeing their uncle rise angrily from the throne he was seated on, Ares, Deimos, and Appolo, all sons of Zeus, would quickly run towards their uncle in a desperate attempt to stop the ruler of seas from fighting his elder brother.

Having all been ordered to stop anyone who would try to interfere with the events occurring during the Olympian trials, Appolo, alongside his two brothers, would desperately try to stop their uncle from fighting with the lord of the underworld, for they knew that their father would reprimand them if they had allowed this confrontation to happen. All tightly holding the mighty god the best they could, Zeus' sons who all thought were doing a good job restraining Poseidon, would see their efforts turned to dust when being overpowered by a raging Poseidon who utterly wanted to see the destruction of his brother Hades come to pass. After having freed himself from the grabble he was priorly trapped in by his nephews, The powerful lord of the waters would try once more to run after his brothers but would soon see himself being stopped by his younger brother, Zeus, the mighty ruler of Olympus.

Although understanding his brother's pain, the mighty ruler of Olympus would ask his brother to stand down as he refused to see anyone stand in the way of the marvelous plan he had plotted. Filled with Rage when being asked to stand down, Poseidon would begin to lash out at his younger brother before telling him that he had always made his wishes come before the needs of other people surrounding him, calling him an array of insults before finally saying that he was a self-centered god who only cared about what benefited him without ever thinking about the consequences to his actions. Having heard his elder brother's accusations as he realized that although having never spoken about it, his brother deeply hated him for the death of his mother's child, the powerful ruler of Olympus would initially remain calm when processing what he had heard moments earlier, but would soon burst into a fuming rage as he would ask the mighty ruler of seas if he thought he was happy about the tragic events that had happened 10 years ago.

Angry as he tried his best to explain what had happened, Zeus, the powerful ruler of Olympus, who had never once tried to justify himself to any god nor man would begin talking about the tragic events that had led to the tragic death of Poseidon's beloved wife. Zeus would then begin speaking about the gigantic mess Poseidon had created after having left Mount Olympus, stating that having ignored every single one of his duty and responsibilities, several natural disasters had happened in the mighty god's realm, creating enormous tsunamis and flooding several villages who were unlucky of being located in places that were high enough to be spared from the natural disasters. After having explained to his brother a large number of disasters that had occurred by his fault, Zeus would begin lashing out at his brother once more as he would tell him that everything he had done when ordering him to return home was an attempt to save the lives of the multitude of people who had died due to his recklessness. In desperate need of a solution, the mighty ruler of Olympus would then tell his brother that having no other choice, he had chosen to sacrifice his wife's life to save the lives of a multitude of other mortals.

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