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The several hours following his tragic loss were highly enduring to Garcia. He who had already been filled with tremendous guilt from being unable to prevent his former companion's death saw himself once more having to return to his campsite empty-handed, caring with him nothing but guilt, anger, and frustration...

As he walked back to the place he and his companions called home, several teardrops would begin to drip from the young warrior's eyes as he reminisced on the splendid moment he shared with Ophelia before the tragic incident that took her life. When thinking back to that magical moment, the young man wondered how such a short instant could have lasted so long. As he began plunging more and more into his memories, every detail of this wonderful event would begin flashing past his face at a tremendous pace, simultaneously hurting and helping him. Lost in his thoughts, the young man would then be so profoundly focused on this particular memory that it would have seemed as if he relived it.

In this state of absolute immersion, the young warrior would begin to feel as though he had leaped back in time for the sensations he experienced reassembled the ones he experienced when traveling with Ophelia to perfection. When reliving these wonderful moments, the young man would feel horribly confused as he wondered whether he was happy or sad to be reliving these magical events; however, all of his doubts and worry would be wiped away when he would see himself being projected back to a scene where he and his beloved friend walked through the beautiful golden wheat fields of Delos.

When seeing Samantha's golden blond hair being blown by the warm breeze passing through the wheat field in which they walked, amazed by the perfection of the events happening, Garcia would see himself filled with pain and sorrow when realizing that the image before him could be nothing more than an illusion created by his subconscious, but all this doubt and insecurity would disappear when feeling the warmth of Ophelia's hand spread throughout his body. For a short instant, the once bold and strong hero, forever bearing a straight face and a bold attitude, would be completely unrecognizable as our young warrior would begin lashing screams of pain and agony when overwhelmed by humungous he felt from being unable to help Ophelia.

Several hours later, After slowly walking back home, the young sad spartan would see himself welcomed by Aurelie and Samantha who were extremely worried about him due to his lengthy absence. When finally arriving close to their common tent, Garcia, who had gone through several devastating events, ignored his female companions before inevitably putting himself to sleep...

When realizing that the bold and strong facial expression Garcia had always bestowed had been replaced in a dark, sad, and broken grin, Samantha would instantly beg Aurelie to stay away from Garcia. Confused with everything Happening around Aurelie and Helena, who at that point felt submerged with sadness and sorrow, lashed out in tears on a sleeping Garcia, begging him to tell them where Ophelia was for she had not returned with him. After lashing out at the person she thought responsible for Ophelia's sudden disappearance, Aurelie would be submerged with tremendous regret and sadness when watching the man she thought to be guilty of Ophelia's death sit up straight in pain and agony, covered with tears, as he announced to his two remaining companions that Ophelia was dead and that she would never return to their camp. When hearing this tragic news, Aurelie would fall to her knees and begin loudly crying as she mourned the death of their companion.

When looking at Garcia's facial expression, Samantha, who had recently lost someone she loved, began severely interrogating herself; Although not knowing what had happened between Garcia and Ophelia, Samantha realized that Garcia's behavior seemed to be one of someone who carried tremendous guilt leading her to think that he had either been felling such guilt from either being unable to help or simply not being strong enough to save her. Realizing that it would be better to give the young man some space, Samantha would help Aurelie back on her feet and would carry her out of their common tent where Garcia tried his best to put himself to sleep, but before she could make three steps, the young lady would be stoped by a weakened Garcia who would whisper "I'm sorry... I did what I could, but it was not enough..."

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