~A new home~

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Several miles away from the island he had spotted, filled with fear after serving a traumatic experience on the Argo, was a weakened Leonel, troubled by the horrors he had recently gone through. Exhausted from what he had just gone through, the young hunter would try his best to compose himself when seeing an island not too far from where he and his new companions were positioned. Excited by his sudden discovery, the young woman would try his best to aler5t his panicked companions before realizing that the young woman he had spent the past hours protecting suddenly disappeared.

Filled with tremendous fear, the young man would begin to hysterically scream the young lady's name before being stopped by Garcia, the young spartan warrior, who would ask the young hunter to calm down before asking him to help the remaining four companions they had for they too had a hard time swimming in the atrocious waters controlled by the mighty ruler of the seas, Poseidon. Confused and uncertain of what he should have done, the young hunter would rush towards two of his companions in a desperate attempt to save them. After both carrying two of their companions on each side of their shoulders, the brave men would set down their weakened comrades on large debris of wood coming from the boat before inevitably diving back into the waters in a desperate search for Samantha, their lost companion who was nowhere to be seen.

After plugging back and forth out of the waters without seeing any trace of the woman they were looking for, the two young men would become extremely anxious before viewing the silhouette of a young lady laid on a cupboard, surrounded by a multitude of mysterious creatures who screamed louder and louder as they approached the young lady. When viewing this frightening imagery unfold before their eyes, the young men would both rush towards the young lady but would see themselves attacked by an array of bloodthirsty monsters who wanted nothing other than ripping the skins of their bones. Unfazed by the monsters rushing at them, the brave young men would quickly grab debris from the destroyed boat to swing at the raging monsters in front of them in a desperate attempt to save Samantha.

After battling a hoard of monsters, Leonel, who had been eager to find the young woman he had been stuck with the Argo's lower deck hours prior to its destruction, would grab the young lady before putting her on his back and swim back to the massive debris of boat on which they had laid their friends. Several minutes later, the young men would get back to the large debris of boat on which they had laid their companions, would settle Samantha on it before inevitably pushing it towards the land they saw from afar.

Thus, using the small ounces of energy they had, the two young men swam to the seashore of the mysterious island they saw from afar, pushing the large cupboard on which were laid their new friends without having a clue of the puzzling adventures they would lead on it. When arriving at this island, our heroes all fell of exhaustion, hoping to live better lives at the new place on which they had set foot. Although strong and courageous, Leonel and Garcia, who both proved themselves to be the bravest of their group, saw themselves incapable of moving after the draining adventure they had just gone through when trying to save Samantha. Although both having spirits filled with tremendous willpower, the two warriors would see themselves obliged to stay laid on the ground, unable to command their bodies to move due to the extreme exhaustion they felt.

Nearly 5 hours after their arrival on the island, Marcel, Samantha, Aurelie, Helena, and Ophelia would all simultaneously wake up from their deep slumber without having an idea of the horrors their two other companions had been through to get them all to safety. Once awaken, all confused and concerned about the two other men that had swum with them to the shore, the five companions would begin socializing with one another, asking if everything was alright before being interrupted by Garcia and Leonel, who emerged from the jungle laid behind them.

Once in front of them, with a calm yet powerful tone, Garcia would begin speaking with his new companions stating that he knew they were all tired but would ask them all to be strong for the journey ahead of them would certainly be harder than they all thought.

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