~Unfathomable Fear~

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Quietly hiding inside a bush, as he watched the girl with whom he had fallen in love with kiss another man; with a heart beating too fast for his own body to withstand it, Marcel, with tears falling down his face, lashed a squeaky sound of pain to help him lash out all the pain felt in his abdomen. After eavesdropping on the young couple for few minutes that seemed to last an eternity to him, the young man would quickly run home in embarrassment, regretting his past choices and in great fear of being discovered by the young couple...

That night, while running back to their camp in a hurry as he felt the cold night wind blow by his face failing to dry a thousand tears dreadfully falling down his face, a hard sentiment of pain would slip into Marcel's mind as he began reminiscing on the beautiful sunny day on which he saw Samantha for the first time. On the day of their arrival on Dion, after dreadfully crying when thinking about his parents on the hill situated opposite mount Olympus, Marcel would begin exploring the beautiful city known to be the most peaceful of all. After visiting various village areas, he finally arrived at Zeus's temple, where he saw a young woman he thought to be the most beautiful of all.

When looking at the gorgeous young lady, Marcel would think to himself that the scene laid before his eyes was unlike anything he had ever seen before. When noticing the attractive young Samantha pray in tears at the foot of a sculpture made at the image of Zeus, a series of questions would fly through the young man's mind helping him wonder why the young lady was in so much pain while praying. Feeling overwhelmed by a multitude of enigmas, Marcel would take his courage in both hands as he decided to approach the young damsel in distress. Still, just as he was about to make the first step, an immense sensation of fear swelled inside him, paralyzing his entire body and rending him unable to move any further; A fear which he was no stranger to, for he had been trying to run away from it for the nine years during which he lived alone after his parent's death.

Paralyzed like a spartan warrior made statue by a curse sent by Medussa, no action could have been done for young Marcel to approach the beautiful young woman he saw from afar. When realizing that the young lady's tears intensified the more she would go more in-depth into her prayers, young Marcel realized that his move had to be quick, for the young girl he was so desperate to help would soon awaken from her spiritual slumber. Petrified by his own fear, young Marcel realized that the only obstacle standing in front of him was himself and decided to take action. Ignoring his pain like a wounded soldier who would have received several arrows in his chest but continued advancing, young Marcel, who had always been a victim of his inner fears, would take several steps forward until he would inevitably arrive in front of the young woman who was at that point still praying.

Too preoccupied with his plans to engage with Samantha, He slowly began stretching out his right arm towards the young woman, hoping to ask the young lady why she was crying in a desperate attempt to try his best to be of some help to the young damsel, without realizing that he had now been covered with an immense filthy layer of sweat when overstressing, giving him repulsive body odors and rending him unattractive to any decent woman who respected herself.

When laying his right hand on the young lady's left shoulder, Marcel thought to himself that she would most likely be in shock but also be simultaneously flattered that a stranger would want to help her, leading her to have some sort of interest in him, but it would unfortunately turn out to be the actual opposite. When opening her eyes, the young lady screamed in fear after seeing a strange-looking boy close to her, covered in sweat and struggling to say a word. Although filled with good intentions, Marcel's will to help the young lady would be interpreted as an assault by Samantha, who quickly ran off when seeing the young man standing in front of her struggle to explain himself.

After being run away from like a disgusting burglar trying to take advantage of a helpless young woman, Marcel would quickly set out to a lake situated along Delos's fields to clean himself and rest. After spending the rest of his afternoon exploring the few areas he hadn't seen yet in Dion, Marcel, along with the 300 villagers and the other chosen candidates, embarked on the big boat called "the Argo," a large vessel, on which they were supposed to travel. In shock when seeing the same beautiful woman he saw at the temple board the same boat as him, Marcel couldn't help himself but assume that it was the work of destiny, fancying that they were meant to be together and were destined to meet.

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