~A hero's epiphany~

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No words could be strong enough to explain the agony present in Garcia's heart when hearing his Father's tale, as everything felt like sheer madness when apprehending the horrible tale told to him by his father. As each new word cut his head wide open like a hot knife on a block of butter, a storm of thoughts flew through the young warrior's head, creating pure chaos, each leading him further into a path of madness and gaining control over his subconscious. Without needing someone to explain to him what was happening, the young warrior understood at that moment that his descent into madness had just begun. A path which he was uncertain to ever come back from.

At that point, as he saw all the special memories he had spent with his comrades blow by his face like a dreadful tornado ready to destroy anything in its path, it seemed to Garcia that the more his father would talk about the horrors he underwent because of the god's cruelty and selfishness, the more he would fall deeper into a huge lake of horror in which he was uncertain of exiting. When hearing the voices of the villagers he massacred in the various expeditions he had undergone with his comrades scream in agony, begging their aggressor to spare their lives, all cursing his name for the horrors he had done to them and their loved ones, a sentiment of despair encircled itself around Garcia, unleashing fear into his heart, as well as a profound will to live, followed by an ironic, desperate resolution to die which profoundly illustrated to him that he had reached the end of his life journey, for the agony he felt at that instant was like none he had ever faced before.

In absolute torment, as he watched his soul slowly get itself devoured by the agony he felt, Garcia couldn't begin to apprehend how the ghosts from his past which he had ignored and kept tied in chains for so long all came back in a flash, taking absolute control over his entire being and destroying any resistance in its way. The situation felt too spot on to be true. As he tried his best to keep some sense of consciousness in his inner conscious, Garcia began wondering if this situation hadn't been a product of fate. He who was a great fighter, a warrior strong enough to be part of the elite of the spartan army, had now been made captive by his own thoughts. Garcia began wondering if he wasn't destined to die this way, tortured by the ghosts from his past and punished for all the blood he shed on various battlegrounds.

On his knees, with tears running down his face as he held his head tight with his two hands, the young man would begin screaming in agony, as he accepted his fate, refusing to carry on the life of torture that was given to him on the day of his birth.

When gazing at the atrocious view of his son torturing himself for all the monstrosity he had done, a great sentiment of responsibility grew into Poseidon's heart. Deep in his soul, he knew that the horrors that happened to his son could have been averted if he would have stood up to his younger brother when asked to return to Mount Olympus. Throughout Garcia's entire life, Poseidon felt tremendous guilt and hatred in his heart, not only towards himself but against his brothers for obliging him to stay in their realm whilst all he wanted at that point was to be with his loved one. All this pain Poseidon had felt throughout the 19 years that had passed before the experiment would seem ephemeral compared to the atrocious pain he felt on the day he realized he had a son who had been secretly hidden from him for 19 years.

Although time could never be a concern to a god like himself due to his immortal spirit, Poseidon cried in distress when realizing that the young boy he had seen 10 years ago carrying the dead body of his soul mate was his son. Having lived for millions of years, the 19 years of Garcia's existence had passed as quick as a blur to Poseidon, for a god's view of time and a human's are tremendously different; Nevertheless, this fact wouldn't have spared Poseidon from a colossal pain, for the 19 years he had spent far from his son appeared to be more important than the millions he lived before.

As the confrontation between Garcia and Poseidon continued, From afar, in the spiritual realm in which the other Olympian gods were quietly watching over Delos, a huge confrontation rose between Zeus and Hades. Filled with anger, Hades would raise his voice, for he was in total disagreement with the events taking place in front of his eyes. Although no other God other than Ares knew the existence of Garcia as a demi-god, it felt to him as if a huge plot was being manoeuvered behind his back concerning every single candidate who participated in the experiment.

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