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"Please don't leave me..." Samantha whispered when witnessing the death of the man she loved with her entire heart. Feeling pain she thought to be insurmountable, Samantha, who at that point felt nothing but sheer sadness and sorrow, fell face-first to the ground before any of her companions could help her.

When watching Samantha scream in pain and agony in Helena's hands, mourning her beloved Leonel's death, Garcia couldn't help but feel guilty and began wondering about the possible outcomes that could have happened if he got to Leonel sooner than he did. Lost in his thoughts, Garcia began wondering what he could say or do to help his companions feel better and comfort them into thinking there would be a pleasant future ahead.

During this slight instant which seemed like an eternity, Garcia would begin wondering once more on what to do and combined all his various choices into two major ones, which were to either explain everything to his companions or not say a thing about the trials, but only support his friends with sweet words. When looking at the two choices he had before him, Garcia knew instantly that the most advantageous option he had before him would be to tell his comrades everything, for his father had already told him that it had been decided at the commencement of the Olympian trials that every candidate that would be strong enough to overcome his test would be released onto the island once more, giving him the chance to explain to his companions what was going on. Realizing that time wasn't on his side, Garcia decided to make a final decision and explain to his new friends everything.

When trying to approach Samantha, who was laid on the ground crying in Helena's arms, Garcia would notice an ingenious change in the air, a change of atmosphere he knew too well, for it had not been the first time he felt it. When feeling the precise same change in the atmosphere he felt when seeing his father for the first time, Garcia instinctively knew a powerful god like his father was around his campsite. Nervously turning his head, the young man would begin panicking, for the enemy, he desperately searched was nowhere to be seen.

After nervously looking for his enemy for few seconds, Garcia's eyesight managed to capture his enemy's movements and finally detected a manlike silhouette standing at the entrance of the chosen candidate's campsite. When looking at this man-like silhouette who emanated a presence even more powerful than his father, Garcia knew without a doubt that he and his friends had no chance of fighting against it even if they had to all face it together. After seconds of constant staring between Garcia and the creature, the creature would finally show some slight movement and wiggled one of the five fingers placed on its right hand at Garcia.

Troubled by the fact that he could not understand what it was trying to tell him, Garcia once again tried his best to approach his comrades but would see himself stopped by the horrific presence of the god, which would gain in intensity when watching the young man get closer to the girls. In disbelief of what was happening to him, Garcia, who at that moment tried his best not to show any sign of fear to his comrades who were completely unaware of what was going, thus the young warrior stopped once more as he sought his best to understand what was going.

Looking at the creature standing before him, Garcia quickly understood by its actions that it was striving to stop him from talking to his comrades. He then wondered why this event was happening because his father had told him that he was allowed to speak with his companions about Delos's events. After calmly analyzing the situation in front of him, Garcia apprehended that only one assumption had to be made. For such an event to happen, the rules had to be changed, explaining the spirit ordering him not to speak to his friends.

When accepting the creature's request and giving up on speaking with his companions, Garcia would rapidly see himself released from the creature's intensive atmosphere and quickly rushed to calm down the crying Samantha.

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