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Living her final moments as she watched a giant lightning rod struck the area surrounding her, Aurelie couldn't help but lash out an array of tears when finally seeing the splendor and majesty of the emperor of Mount Olympus, who was standing several feet away from her. After releasing her final words, only remaining with her right eye after having the rest of her body disappear into an unknown place, Aurelie would spend her last moments wondering whether she would end up in the heavens or hell before seeing all of her doubts be wiped out when watching the mighty lord of Olympus smile at her.

Staring at the mighty god as he warmly smiled at her, the young lady would see all of her worries wiped away for reasons she could barely understand. Later on, after having disappeared from the surface of the earth, the young woman would be teleported elsewhere, to a place only a mortal deemed worthy by a god could enter. After traveling through space and time, the young woman would find herself lying under a massive appletree covered with gorgeous fruits that were a delight to look at. On her feet, after standing up as she tried her best to regain her spirits, Aurelie would grab an apple from the massive tree behind her before being greeted by a person she thought she would never see in a million years. As she was touched on the shoulder, filled with fear, the young lady would quickly turn around only to see a smiling Leonel greeting her with a smile greater than any she had ever seen the young hunter bestow when trapped on Delos. Delirious as she wandered whether the imagery before her eyes was nothing but an illusion created by her subconscious, the young lady would try her best to move backward in a desperate attempt to run away but would see herself quickly stopped by Leonel, who would take the young lady in his arms as he slowly whispered, "don't be scared, everything is ok. It's all over now".

In disbelief when hearing the young hunter's words, the young lady would once more try her best to set herself free from Leonel's arms before feeling the warmth of the young man's body spread throughout her's. In Leonel's arms, the young lady would find herself calmed down by the tremendous peace present in the young man's heart, a peace that had been so pure that it had contagiously spread through the young woman's body when being in contact with the young hunter. Relieved to know that everything she had been through was over, the young lady would begin crying as she couldn't believe that she had finally been spared from the traumatic experiment taking place on Delos.

After retrieving her spirits, Aurelie would begin to wonder in what realm she had appeared as she would ask her friend where they were; a question the young hunter would answer by telling Aurelie that they were in the Elysian fields, a realm entirely devoted to mortals that had been great heroes, and devoted servants that had been loyal to the mighty gods reigning on Mount Olympus. Leonel would add that the place where they were was unlike anything she knew, for it was separated from paradise and the underworld, a statement that would leave the young woman anxious as she would begin to wonder where her parents would go if they were ever to perish. After having heard the young lady's concerns, Leonel would begin to reassure his friend in distress as he would explain to her that the decision was not up to them, adding that her parents would go to the place they deserved to be in if they would remain faithful till the time of their death would come.

Sometime after explaining to Aurelie that there was nothing she could do for her parents, Leonel would ask the young woman to follow him to the place where another one of their companions rested. After having walked through fields filled with beautiful flowers, Leonel would finally arrive in a beautiful valley where they would see a young man bathing in crystal blue waters from afar. As the two approached the beautiful lake in which the young man they observed bathed, Aurelie would begin wondering who this mysterious person was before realizing that it was her dear friend Marcel who was more than happy when seeing the young lady in the Elysian fields with him. Happy to see the friend she had priorly thought to be dead, Aurelie would run into the waters before jumping on the young man, filled with tremendous joy as she couldn't believe that he too was alive.

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