~ Trouble on paradise~

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Following the palpitant confrontation that had occurred in the spiritual world between Hades, the lord of the underworld, and his nephew Apollo, the god of oracles, A new day had risen. This day which the Olympian gods watching over Delos had been extremely impatient to see, had finally arrived, rending every single one of them excited to see what would happen during the first day of this promising experiement. As shining light rays emerged from the rising son ascending from its horizon, illuminating Delos and spreading an aroma of warmth on the mighty gods watching over it, Zeus, Emperor of Olympus, finally made an appearance on Delos and appeared to his subordinates to finally decide which roles would be attributed to every god guarding the mystical island.

Having quietly observed the fight which occurred the earlier night, the ruler of Olympus would decide to take matters into his hands and assigned the two mighties gods apart from himself, Hades and Poseidon,  to designate the positions of the remaining five gods watching over Delos. The mighty Trio then began their selection as they assigned each god present to a determined candidate. After decades of fighting, three of the most powerful gods to have lived in ancient mythology were once again united, determined, and ready to see their plans fall into place.

As their selection ended, it had been decided that every single god, watching over Delos, except Hades, would be attributed to a candidate in order to test them, punish or torture them, given the extremity of their past actions.

Hades decided to withdraw himself from the number of gods who were allowed to test the chosen candidates for the weasel of a god had bigger plans in store for the chosen candidates. As he wondered over their grounds the earlier right, the lord of the underworld realized how easy it would be to manipulate the events happening on Delos if he wasn't a part of the gods testing the chosen candidates. Although desperately wanting to receive answers to the multitude of questions he had for every candidate, the perceptive god would decide to keep control over the desires of his avarice and schemed on how he would manipulate everyone from the shadows, like a cunny puppet master controlling every single move of his pawns who would have no clue of the trap they would have been confirmed in.

Knowing his older brother, Zeus, the mighty lord of thunder would immediately refuse Hades' proposition. Having fought against him for the past millennium, Zeus knew his brothers' ways and acknowledged that he was the greatest trickster to have ever laid a foot on earth. He knew that if given the opportunity, Hades would come up with a plan to win his end of the bargain simultaneously and ensure the destruction of Mount Olympus. Nevertheless, after some time of argument with the lord of the underworld, the mighty lord of thunder would be obliged to approve his brother's request.

Behind this request was hidden a secret factor, Zeus' pride. When making his request, Hades knew that his younger brother would have to accept it at a certain point because him refusing such a request due to the fear of being destroyed by him would inevitably insinuate that Zeus was afraid of the cunning lord of the underworld. Hades perceived the depth of his younger brother's pride and realized that he wouldn't bow down to him, thus meaning that Zeus would be forced to accept his request to prove that whether done or not, his elder brother's plan would not come to pass for he was mighty enough to withstand anything that would be thrown at him.

After both coming to an agreement, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades then began to shout out the gods' names that would be assigned to the chosen candidates. Thus, It was then said that Phobos, god of fear and panic, would be assigned to Marcel while his twin brother Deimos god of dread and terror, would be assigned to Samantha whilst Appolo, god of oracles, healing, and archery, would be assigned to Leonel as Hera, spouse of Zeus, goddess of marriage, women, and childbirth would be assigned to Aurelie. Leaving Her brother, Poseidon, the god of the sea, earthquakes, and storms to be assigned to Ophelia as his younger brother, Zeus, lord of thunder and ruler of Olympus, would watch over Elena.

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