~Hades' Anger~

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As they had promised their almighty ruler, none of the powerful Olympian gods supervising the Olympian trials that would happen on Delos harmed any of the candidates who were designated to participate in this particular event on the splendid yet horrific island. Having being asked to stand down by their ruler Zeus, the almighty lord of thunder, the powerful gods supervising the experiment would simply observe their prey without being able to any of the events that happened on the day of their arrival. During the first day of their arrival, the crafty chosen candidates had collected enough food, supplies, and resources to last them 3 days and were equipped with enough tools to get even more goods given that either Garcia or Leonel would decide to hunt for them if they were ever to lack food.

On this very first day, after watching their chosen candidates turn the island on which they were hostage into a new home, a huge conversation would spark between the Olympian gods, one so loud that it could be heard all across the entire spiritual world in which they dwelled. In this particular loud conversation, the powerful gods would continuously argue about the roles they would all have to play in the experiment that would begin the following day. As the other Olympian gods loudly quarreled with one another on the roles they would occupy in the Olympian trials would commence the next day, filled with Boredom when watching his brothers quarrel like children, a cunning Hades decided to visit the camp created by the mortals he and his companion had made captive on m mysterious island called Delos.

As the powerful god wandered through the grounds the chosen candidates had made theirs, an abnormal sentiment would bruskly attack the mighty god's heart before making the cunning god extremely uncomfortable. As he watched the classic huge evil smirk, he would often boast get wiped out of his face, simultaneously spreading a sentiment of defeat throughout his entire spirit, destroying more and more the inner confidence he had carried in him throughout the millennium he had lived, Hades, the mighty lord of the underworld would see himself obliged to bow down and respect all the efforts the chosen candidates had put into making a small but comfortable home out of nothing and in a minimal amount of time.

Although he always despised them for the fake image they portrayed to the gods, Hades couldn't stop himself from feeling admiration when watching humans create bonds with one another in situations of distress. Having observed them for several centuries, the lord of the underworld had studied every single element of human behavior, making utterly prepared for any event or circumstance that would happen during the Olympian trials; Nevertheless, even after having prepared himself for several centuries, the powerful god could help but feel anger and frustration when watching these humans he hated so much work together.

Having been isolated from both the spiritual and physical world for what seemed like an eternity to the deity, the lord of the underworld's mind had long forgotten the emotions which were released by Garcia and his companions when helping one another in their hard labor. Thousands of years ago, In his youth, the mighty god had long searched for such pure signs of love but would be unable to receive any from his chaotic family. Having grown with a mother so concerned about her marital duties that she would be entirely focused on her role as her wife to her husband, neglecting her children and acting the best way she could to please her husband, would create a huge hole in a young Hades' heart, who wanted nothing more than the affection and love of his mother who cared less about him and gave him neither affection nor attention. In a desperate attempt to find what he was longing for, the young god would try receiving love from his brothers but would always see himself being ignored.

With one being entirely focused on the immense power lying dormant in him and the other entirely focused on himself as he tried his best to replace the lack of affection he received from his parents by self-love, Hades' brothers, Poseidon and Zeus, constantly ignored their brother's cries for help as they were too focused on their own pain to give an ounce of attention to their brother. Having grown in such a cold family, the powerful god had long forgotten what it felt like to be loved or cared for, turning a once sweet and joyful diety into the cunning and maleficent god he had turned into.

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