~The Genesis~

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In a realm where no mercy existed, filled with pools of lava and rivers of blazing flames, lived an evil cynical, cunning, and crafty creature who had been fighting, as well as planning to see the fall of Mount Olympus for millions of years. Unlike any other god living on Mount Olympus alongside the powerful god of thunder, Hades, the underworld lord, despised humans and wanted to see nothing but their extinction.

Being the cynical being that he was, watching other gods, the likes of Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Apollo, pour graces and have mercy on humans disgusted the lord of the underworld as the powerful god couldn't understand why such majestical beings would be pleased watching mere humans try to be as noble and outstanding as them, whilst all he could feel when looking at them was despise and hatred. Having spent millions of years carefully watching them, supervising their every movement, understanding their actions, and apprehending their moral ethics, Hades concluded that humans were all evil; worshiping gods only in times of distress and using their love against them so they could be forgiven after every false offering they would give them in times of distress.

Foreseeing that the trouble he faced would continue till the end of time, the lord of the underworld began thinking of a malicious plan he could use not only to expose the true nature of the creatures he despised so much but also reveal the incredible idiocy the other Olympian gods exercised when believing in humans for centuries whilst they had been tricking them for multiple ages.

Realizing that he had already bestowed several of his ideas in vain, Hades began thinking of a different approach that could be appealing enough to his brothers for them to listen to him. Thus the lord of the underworld began once again thinking about his malicious plan, a plan in which his brothers could experience the malice of humanity first hand allowing them to not only see the immense darkness hidden deep within the human heart but also revealing an ugly truth they would all have to accept...

Not only had humans been fooling them for centuries, tricking the powerful beings into thinking that all they felt was nothing but sheer fear and reverence for them, but these inferior beings, which they thought to be dull, and stupid outsmarted every single one of "the almighty gods" residing on mount Olympus, except the one god who was thought to be the most delusional of them all...

When thinking on further ways to manoeuver, the lord of the underworld would find himself lost in his thoughts as he began pondering back to the long-gone days of his youth in which he, alongside his two brothers, were exiled in tormenting worlds to expose their true hidden potential and personalities. Having survived through such a traumatic experience, one that had absolutely changed the personality of the three gods who had gone through it, the weasel god would quickly conclude that only such a horrific experiment like this one could reveal the true hidden nature of a mortal, for if powerful beings like himself were able to fold under pressure so would mere humans he thought to be weak in comparison to him. Thus the lord of the underworld pursued his planning before being once more disoriented into his thoughts when thinking about this same experiment that turned him and his two brothers into the powerful gods they had become.

With a dark grin on his face as he reminisced deeper about the dark and sad events which led him to become the cold and maleficent god he was, Hades would begin to feel a slight feeling of pity as he wondered if things weren't better the way they were before being traumatized by an experience that had not only left him scarred for life but also eternally transformed for the young sweet diety that was once know for his impeccable judgment had turned into a cold, sadistic being, self-centered with a sole purpose to hurt any being he deemed unworthy to possess the gift of life. Although simultaneously creating tremendous havoc and joy in his being, this small feeling of regret and pain would quickly be burnt away as the powerful god's Anger would raise more and more when thinking about the great injustice he had been through. Alone in the darkness, in tremendous pain, as he tried his best to stay lucid, the lord of chaos would decide to burn down his own conscious and pursued his reflection as he wondered about various ways he could torture these mortals which he despised so much.

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