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On that cold dark afternoon, as she felt the warm yet tiny hands of Marcel slip right through her hands, Samantha, who had been experiencing several mental traumas since arriving on Delos, refused to see another member of the family she had now made on this horrific island wounded. Realizing that she wouldn't forgive herself if anything had happened to him, the brave yet fragile girl dashed into the forest, pursuing her beloved friend, without ever regretting the decision she had made. Seconds later, after watching Samantha run after marcel, Leonel and the remaining chosen candidates followed the young woman's tracks in hopes of finding their two friends unharmed.

Running at full speed with tremendous agility, Leonel, who had just seen two of his friends run into the wild, fearsome forest of Delos, refused to see another one of his new friends injured like Garcia. As the young man ran through the wild, blowing past tree branches and dirty piles of mud laid on his path, Leonel would begin to see his vision drift due to the droplets of tears that began to leak from his eyes when wondering if the woman he now fell madly in love with was injured. Although troubled by his partner's state, the young Leonel kept fearlessly advancing without showing any signs of tiredness.

After parkouring several miles into the forest, the young man grew more in fear and began shouting the names of his two missing friends without ever receiving any signs of life coming back from them. Luckily for him, the huge pile of mud tracks done by the two missing members of his group gave him more than enough hope to keep advancing. After endlessly running for nearly ten minutes, Leonel, who was then filled with a tremendous amount of anxiety, would see his heart rate decreasing when seeing the silhouette of a young lady lying on the ground.

Without any hesitation, the young man would quickly run towards the young lady and felt relieved to see Samantha, who had fallen out of exhaustion. When looking at her pale, sad face, which had now been covered with a mixture of tears and snot, Leonel knew no word could be strong enough to describe the enormous sorrow felt in her heart. Realizing that he had a small amount of time left, Leonel quickly asked Samantha to wait for him so he could continue running after marcel but was stopped by her before he got the chance to stand up. In tears, she began quietly explaining to him it was too late to catch to Marcel, for she had already caught up to him moments earlier. Samantha continued narrating to Leonel her encounter with Marcel in which he told her that he was headed to a better place in which she and the other candidate weren't allowed to enter. An encounter in which she was forced to give up on the friendship she had with the young man as she hopelessly watched him run deeper into the forest.

After carefully listening to Samantha's narrative, as he apprehended and analyzed every detail of the encounter he had just heard, Leonel, without asking any questions, quickly grabbed Samantha into his hands and swiftly ran back to their campsite. As he blew by the immense trees of Delos, Leonel would begin wondering about Marcel's last spoken words as he wondered, "What place is he referring to? and where is it ?".

After running for some more time, the young man would finally find the remaining exhausted members of his crew who were terribly troubled not to see Marcel with Leonel. Few moments after meeting them, in a hurry, Leonel quickly entrusted Samantha in the hands of Ophelia and Aurelie before quickly running back onto the path on which Marcel had left. But before he could even move a foot forward, Leonel would see himself once again stopped by a crying Samantha who begged him not to go After marcel for she didn't want anything to happen to him.

When watching his beloved partner beg him into staying with her, a series of options laid itself in front of Leonel. Although he had now found a wonderful person with whom he could spend the rest of his days, the thought of seeing an injured marcel laid before his eyes because of his fear gave him tremendous guilt. Deep inside, the young hunter knew only one decision had to be taken; for him to honor his responsibilities before the love he felt for Samantha. After making his decision, Leonel quickly leaned into the crying Samantha, who begged him to stay, gave her a soft kiss on her wet lips, and promised her he would return safely before the sun would fully set on Delos.

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