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After having left Zeus's palace, Hades, the cunning god who had recently seen all his wishes accomplished, was more than pleased with himself for the expectations he had before getting to mount Olympus were met and exceeded anything he had imagined. An event that would create brusque doubt in his spirit, leading the powerful god into wondering whether he had not been led into a trap that would have been set up to be of some nuisance to him. Ignoring every trace of doubt, Hades feared not, for he had deep faith in the darkness that laid dormant inside humans' hearts. Hades, who had secretly and carefully watched humanity for centuries deeply believed that a person's true nature would reveal itself under the correct circumstances, attesting if they were true believers or mere imposters that try to take advantage of the gods' goodness. At that point, the only factor troubling the powerful god's spirit was whether the gods that would judge the candidates participating in his experiment would be merciless when judging them or not...

Seven days after the clash of words on mount Olympus, Zeus, the almighty ruler of Olympus, sent Artemis, goddess of the hunt, Apollo god of oracles, and Hermes, protector of human heralds, on a mission to go all over the world and seek out 7 seven people who would take part in this experiment. Following their father's command, the three deities instantly departed when hearing their ruler's request. Yet, as he calmly walked past the splendid temples scattered throughout Mount Olympus, Hermes couldn't help but ask himself which people to choose from the millions scattered worldwide.

Before having the chance to fly out of the palace, Hermes would quickly see himself called back into Zeus' Holy grounds for him to receive more instructions about the important task he was ordered to accomplish. Arriving once more before his ruler, Hermes would bow down on one knee and honor his leader before being given greater clues on who to cast for the Olympian trials.

As it had turned out, the experiment proposed by Hades had been the fruit of a prophesy given to Zeus by a witch foreseeing a huge experiment in which would participate, several humans, in hopes of solving the multiple conflicts between gods and men. Realizing the importance of the experiment, Zeus ordered Hermes to choose seven specific people he had been personally surveying for the 10 years prior to Hades' sudden visit. Seven humans who all had different encounters, relationships, and points of view on the gods, making them the perfect candidates to participate in the olympian trials.

After understanding who to look for, Hermes parted once more from Zeus' temple and would only return three days later with a magical scroll filled with personal information he had gathered about the chosen candidates.

After arriving once more before his father, Hermes would open the mythical scroll, clearly displaying the chosen candidates' faces and names. Their names were Garcia, Ophelia, Elena, Aurelie, Samantha, Leonel, and Marcel, all leading seemingly different lives and living in different regions. After allowing his ruler to observe his chosen candidates, Hermes approached the powerful god's throne and gave him the scroll so he could read the background and information of the chosen candidates.


Zeus then began reading about Garcia, a young spartan soldier who was strong, fearless, agile, and filled with outstanding self-determination skills. He was a strong and powerful man, which many thought to be a son of the gods due is many godlike skills and abilities. A man who would win many battles without ever coming back with any scars or wounds.

But although blessed with outstanding combat faculties, Garcia's heart was as cold as the wind that blew in the underworld and as dark as the water laid deep in the sea surrounding Poseidon's realm. He who showed so much eagerness on the battlefield nourished a great hatred for the gods, one of them being Poseidon, the ruler of the storms and oceans.

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