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"Hey!" I screamed, my throat raw from so many screams before that, "I need a medic! Now!"

Some of the villagers celebrating over the wall glanced down at us, eyes going wide when they noticed the unconscious Mandalorian laying on the ground before them. They rushed into action, and two women swiftly jumped over the wall and ran towards us.

I didn't recognize either of them. "He's alive," The one than knelt next to me said, "But needs a lot of medical attention."

I gave her the worst glare of my life. "No shit," I snapped bitterly, "That's what you're here for."

She tossed me a rude sideways glance, but I could care less about that. Both women began looking him over, taking in his wounds as best as they could while his armor was still attached to him. The other woman put her hands on either side of his helmet in an attempt to take it off, but I snapped at her after smacking her hands, "His helmet stays on."

She looked at me like I was an idiot for interrupting her. She said sharply, "If I don't take his helmet off, I can't check him for head trauma."

"I don't care," I spat harshly and the woman flinched, "It stays on."


As the night went on, I came to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to get a minute of sleep, even though I had never been this exhausted in my entire life. After I had helped the two women carry him to our hut and lay him on the bed, they couldn't figure out how to remove his armor, so I had to do that for them, too. Then they cut away his shirt, revealing his severely bruised torso. The ugly purples and greens and blacks made my heart wrench.

Even though the women complained about not being able to assess his head, I didn't let them take his helmet off. I knew when Din woke up, he would be very antsy about the thought of someone seeing his face while he was unconscious. He didn't need to worry about that on top of trying to heal.

Once the women were finisned, they slowly walked up to me where I was sitting next to the sleeping child. I looked up at them and my vision went blurry from lack of sleep. But I asked anyway, "How is he?"

The woman on the left spoke first. "He'll live," She whispered so she wouldn't disturb the kid. "He probably has some broken ribs and a head injury. He is very lucky he was not injured worse."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank you," I whispered to both of them as I leaned my head back against the wall. "How long until he wakes up?"

The woman on the right shrugged. "It's hard to tell. My best guess is sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. He was thrown around pretty good, but I think that armor of his saved his life."

Oh, she had no idea.

The women left without another word. They drew the curtain to the hut closed behind them, leaving me to the silence of this house. More tears I didn't know I was holding back slipped down my cheeks.

I had never felt more terrified than in the moments just before the cannon bolts hit him in the chest. I knew they were aiming for him as soon as he cleared that wall, but I was too focused on the current around the walker to notice.

Goddamnit, what was he thinking?

As the minutes passed by and slowly turned into hours, my mind began to slip away and I fell into a light, restless sleep.


My head snapped up at the sound of soft groans coming from across the room. Din slowly moved his head from side to side, his eyes stopping when they landed on me.

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