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Din's neck bobbed as he swallowed. "I was a Foundling," He confessed breathlessly. "I was raised in the Fighting Corps, and I—" He flicked his gaze to me, and I knew the memories of us as teenagers was flying through his mind. "—I was raised as one of their own. And when we came of age, Jeyna and I swore the Creed together."

He then turned to look at Cara and Greef and said, "The only record of my family name was in the registers on Mandalore, and Moff Gideon was the registered ISB officer during the Purge." Din and I both glanced out the window, where the Moff was standing just outside.

"That's how I know him," Din finished. But when I glanced back to him, he looked at me like he was expecting an explanation.

"That's how he knows all of us," Cara breathed, and she, too, glanced out the window at the Imperial officer.

But Din still stared at me. Letting out a small sigh of defeat, I stalked up to him and dragged him to the far corner of the room.

"Long history?" He asked, quietly prompting my explanation of how I knew Moff Gideon. "What are you not telling me?"

I bit my lip, forcing the explanation from my lips as I said, "Moff Gideon kidnapped me as a child."

Din recoiled at my words. "What?" He hissed, cocking his head to the side in disbelief.

I shrugged nervously, fighting the urge to fiddle with my fingers. "I was really little. Five or six, maybe. I don't remember any of it, but I've heard stories of how my mother and father tore his base apart to find me."

"Why." It wasn't a question. Din wanted answers, and he wouldn't back down until he got them.

"I never knew why." I swallowed harshly again. "Not until I knew the kid. Now I know he's after Force users."

Din cursed under his breath. "Fuck," He hissed, balling his hands into fists at his sides.

My eyes began to sting. "Din, I'm so sorry," I breathed, focused on keeping my voice from cracking. "I should have told you sooner. But I have to go out there. He wants me. Not you, not Cara, and not Greef. Me. I can make a deal with him—"

"No," He growled, grabbing onto my arm again. Then he snapped, "I won't let you."

"You don't have a choice," I pleaded, making him see that the only way he was ever going to see the child again was if I handed myself over.

He cornered me, shoving my back against the nearby wall. I looked up slightly into the T of his visor, imagining the burning fire in his warm eyes as he hissed, his voice cracking with emotion, "You promised me."

I shivered, despair creeping up my throat as I continued to let myself betray him. "I know, Din," I croaked, a tear slipping down my cheek, "But—"

"You promised you wouldn't let them take you away from me." He exhaled a shaky breath, swallowing hard. "From us."

"I know," I repeated, sniffling as quietly as I could.

He finally noticed how hard he was gripping my arm and lightened his grip, but he was still able to hold me in place. "We're getting out of here together," He said harshly.

As another tear slipped down my cheek, I unclipped my lightsaber from my belt and breathed, "Use this to open the vent and escape. Take care of the child, Din." Then I not-so-gently grabbed either side of his helmet, clinking out foreheads together as I whispered, my heart cracking in two, "I love you."

I shoved the hilt into his silver chest, using the Force to force him back against the far wall as I sprinted for the door.

"No!" Din bellowed behind me, but I didn't dare turn around as I shot forward, every blaster outside the cantina pointing directly at me as I sprinted through the doorway.

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