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Cara instructed me and Din to wait on the wooden platform in front of our hut while she gathered the villagers for an informational meeting on the plan for the AT-ST. It really wasn't a plan, it was just a meeting to tell them to pack up and leave everything they've ever known behind and start over somewhere far away from here.

Yeah, that was going to go over real well.

"They won't leave," I said sideways to Din, who stood with his arms hanging loosely at his sides. One hand rested casually on the hilt of his blaster.

"Unless they want to get annihilated by an AT-ST," He responded flatly, like he wasn't going to have this argument with me anymore, "They're gonna want to leave."

I just shook my head, watching as Cara walked towards us with all the villagers in tow.

"By the way," I told him as Cara approached, "There was a mother and daughter here earlier this morning while you were gone. I told them I'd tell you they stopped by because the girl wanted to play with the kid."

He just hummed. "I already knew that."

I smacked him on the arm, hard. "Stop being an ass."

He turned and looked at me, ready to retaliate, but Cara had finally arrived and the entire village huddled in front of our hut.

"Who's talking first?" She whispered to Din and me, who were on either side of her.

Din groaned softly. "Alright look," He shouted loudly, stepping forward, "You guys need to leave."

I laughed and rolled my eyes as the villagers gasped and demanded why. "Nice delivery, Mando," I jibbed.

"Oh, like you could do better?" He snapped while the complaints from the villagers gained momentum.

"It would be harder to do worse," Cara muttered in agreement.

Din just shook his head.

Cara shook her head and spoke up, "I know Mando didn't say exactly what you wanted to hear, but there is an AT-ST stalking around these woods, and it's simply too much for the three of us to handle."

The cries of the villagers roared louder at the mention of the Imperial walker.

"We can't leave..."

"...My grandparents seeded these ponds!"

"We'll fight with you!"

Once someone shouted that last statement, more and more of them yelled in agreement.

I looked at Din again, who was shaking his head. I nudged him with my elbow to get his attention. "I told you they wouldn't leave."

"Alright, alright!" Cara yelled over the villagers, "How many of you know how to shoot?"

They crowd fell silent. None of them raised their hands except for one. I recognized her as the woman who visited our hut earlier this morning.

Din groaned. "Are we really doing this?" He whispered to me.

Cara turned around to face us. "They're not leaving," She said in finality, throwing her hands in the air.

"I told you guys they wouldn't leave," I reminded them smugly.

"So you've said," Din spat, clearly done with my shit. I just laughed at him.

"Will you train us?" A villager shouted.

I looked at Cara, then at Din. Both of them sighed in resolution. I turned to the crowd. "We will," I said, and the villagers cheered. I continued, "Be ready at sunup. We start training in the morning."

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