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I was starting to feel like we were lost again. But I didn't dare ask Din if he knew where he was going, because the longer it took to find the lava river, the more tense and on edge he became.

Greef sniffed at the air. "We're getting close," He announced, but I had little faith in the magistrate. "The smell of sulfur is getting stronger."

We kept walking at an unruly pace until the heat of the lava river flared before us and the sound of sizzling rock filled our ears. I let out a sigh of relief, walking straight up to the heavy-duty boat attached to the dock that overlooked the flowing red lava.

The only problem was the ferry droid looked like he'd seen better days. Lots of them. I looked at Cara when she said as much.

Din carefully glanced at her out of the corner of his visor. Then he deadpanned sarcastically, "If you have a better idea, feel free to share."

She just swallowed, remaining silent.

Greef waved Din over to where he was standing beside the boat. "C'mon, Mando," He gritted out as he began pushing on the boat, "We gotta get this thing moving."

Exhaling a short breath as he shook his head, Din crouched down and started shoving against the side of the boat. Even under all the layers, I could see his thick and corded muscles bulging with the effort, and Cara had to slap my arm to get me to stop staring.

"You done?" She said, rolling her eyes.

I snapped back, "Don't hit me."

She laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Look, we all know he's hot and muscular or whatever, but—"

"Excuse me?" I scoffed in amused disbelief. Her plan worked. "Did you just say he was hot and muscular?"

"Shut up," She said with a smile as she slapped me on the arm again, her cheeks flushing pink as she handed the child off to IG, "But don't act like I'm wrong. Just stop ogling him and help push."

A laugh escaped from deep in my chest as Cara helped push on the boat beside Greef. So I took the only open spot left and rammed my shoulder into the boat beside Din, using all the strength in my legs to try and get the boat to move.

Din turned to face me, using his other shoulder to push against the boat. Then a strangled laugh forced itself through his modulator as he gritted out, "So I'm hot and muscular, huh?"

I barked my own laugh. "You heard that?"

"You two aren't exactly the quietest people in the galaxy," He pointed out amusedly, and I bit my lip as boat lurched. But it didn't disconnect from the dock.

"Shit," Cara breathed, her face red with effort, "It won't move."

An idea popped into my head. "You guys may want to step back," I advised, yanking my lightsaber hilt from my belt. Once everyone was clear, I flicked my thumb over button that activated the blades, and I reveled in the low buzz that echoed across the rocks.

Then in one quick swipe, I sliced through the hardened rock that kept the boat stuck to the dock with my saber, and I quickly ushered everyone into the boat before it floated away. And just before it traveled out of range, I ran and leapt over the chasm that yawned wider between the boat and the dock, the searing heat from the lava below wafting up to greet me as I flew through the air. Then my boots landed inside the boat, and I slammed straight into Din's chest.

His arms wrapped tightly around me as I looked up into the T of his visor. "Don't do that again," He admonished as he squeezed my hips, and I had to stifle a laugh as he was extra careful to avoid my still activated saber.

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