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My heart sank the moment the Crest touched down in the hangar at Mos Eisley. I had only been to Tatooine once in my life, and it was one time too many. The planet was crawling with all different kinds of scumbags and lowlifes, and the large amount of Tuskens and Jawas inhabiting this place didn't make it any better.

Especially the Jawas.

After I finished strapping on my armor, Din pressed the button that opened the bay doors, the doors nearly falling off their hinges as they creaked open. I walked up beside him and muttered, "We don't have enough money for these repairs."

He sighed as the door creaked for a final time and hit the sandy floor of the hangar. "I know," He replied, "I'm going to look for a job in town."

I perked an eyebrow at him just before I slipped my helmet over my head. "Alone?" I asked, my modulator cracking.

He shook his head. "No," He said as he stepped onto the cargo ramp, "You're coming with me."

"But I've never—" I started, but my words were sharply cut off when Din fired his blaster at one of the small maintenance droids approaching the Crest.

"Hey!" A high pitched voice yelled at us, "If you break my droids you're gonna pay for 'em!"

I snapped my head to look at Din, who still had his blaster pointed at the droids. The poor things looked terrified and completely harmless.

"What the hell was that for?" I hissed sharply at him, but he ignored me.

Din's gaze followed the hangar lady as she approached us. He said sternly to her, "Just keep the droids away from my ship."

The woman still looked upset that Din shot at her droids, but after a few moments she turned to them and waved them off. "Alright, you heard the Mandalorian," She said loudly, shooing them away, "No droids near the ship."

Once the droids were a comfortable distance away from the ship, Din lowered his blaster. The woman turned back to us, placing both hands on her hips. "Now," She said, observing both of us, "What brings two Mandalorians to Mos Eisley?"

"Repairs," Din grunted, tossing her a sack of credits. She opened the little bag, furrowing her brows at the amount inside.

"This is barely enough to cover the hangar!" She exclaimed, sticking the sack in her pocket.

I could sense Din growing impatient beside me. "We'll get you the money," He said in a low voice, slinging his pulse rifle over his shoulder.

The woman just scoffed. "Yeah," She said, exhaling sarcastically, "I've definitely heard that one before."

"Look, lady," I said, stepping forward, "He said we'll get you the money." I pointed my finger back to the Crest, asking sharply, "Can you fix the ship or not?"

I could see the smart remark forming in her eyes, but I guess facing two fearsome Mandalorians will make you bite your tongue. "Let's take a look," She said, marching right past us to inspect the Crest.

Her eyes widened at the damage we sustained. "Well," she started, using a flashlight to inspect the inner workings of the ship, "You've got a major fuel leak here, and tons of carbon buildup." She glanced back at both of us. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you guys were in a shootout."

Din and I just glanced at each other, a small smirk growing on my face.

After she finished her inspection, the hanger lady turned to us, an apologetic look on on her face. "My advice to you," She said with a shrug, "Is to find a good job. These repairs ain't gonna be cheap, especially if I gotta do them myself." She tossed a look at her droids in the corner of the hanger.

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