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Meandering through the dirt streets of the village, I let myself take in the calmness of it all. The farmers woke up every morning, attended to the krill ponds, shared time with their family, and then went back to sleep. It was a very boring cycle of life, but I found myself envying them because of it.

Before my mother stripped me of my armor and threw me off Mandalore, I was always in action. Fighting battles and planning attacks, helping bounty hunters that promised to pay up on big bounties. Fighting wasn't just a lifestyle for me. It was in my blood.

But even after I got dumped in the city of Canto Bight, I didn't feel like I had completely let go of my old ways. Instead of shooting people with blasters and flying with a jetpack, I was fighting for the attention of wealthy drinkers and gamblers who were looking for ways to blow off their money. The casino was its own battleground, and one that I had quickly learned to master. There was a reason I was the best girl-for-hire there. It wasn't a reputable form of business, but it payed well.

By the time Din showed up, I had finally let go of what I used to be. I decided I would forget who I was and act like the casino had been my whole life from the start. I found myself wishing I had never been who I was before I was banished. I resented the Mandalorians, especially my mother.

But after I got a taste of the action after Din shot those bodyguards, the seven years of forcing myself to let the Mandalorian ways go vanished in an instant. I wanted the thrill of battle again. And I couldn't have stopped myself from joining his little crusade against the Empire, even if I did have the choice of bailing on him again.

Honestly, it was quite disturbing how quickly I was able to go back to being as ruthless as I was before. But fighting side by side with the one friend I had back on our wasteland of a home planet? Helping him protect the little one from whatever fate he had with the Empire? It gave me purpose.

I was so deep in my train of thought that I didn't notice Cara walking beside be until she nudged me with her shoulder. "Hellooo?" She sang, waving her hand in front of my face, "Mando? You in there?"

I playfully smacked her hand away from my face. "I told you my name, Cara," I snapped lightly. "You don't have to call me Mando anymore."

"Yes," She said, a large smile spreading across her face, "But Mando makes you snappy and I like messing with people."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, my own smile creeping across my lips.

"So," She prefaced, "How long have you and Shiny known each other?"

I gave her a sideways glance, arching an eyebrow at her. "Did you just call him Shiny?" I asked with a laugh.

She giggled with a shrug. "I need a new nickname that bothers him, so I thought I'd try Shiny."

I rolled my eyes so hard that it hurt. "I highly suggest not calling him that," I laughed. But to answer her earlier question, I responded with, "But I've known Shiny since I was twelve, if that's what your asking."

Her eyes widened slightly. "Really? Have you ever seen his face?"

I shook my head, lowering my gaze to the dirt under my boots.

Cara kicked a rock that was in her path. "Well that's a shame." She shoved one of her hands into her pocket. "There are some bets going around about how everyone thinks he looks. I thought by asking you I could, you know," She flicked her eyebrows up, "Stack the cards in my favor."

Really? People were betting on Din's looks?

"Sorry I can't be of much help," I said with a shrug. "I want to know as much as you do."

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