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I narrowed my eyes at the Jedi before me. She was telling me half truths and veiled futures. I asked, "Then what do you want from me?"

Soleil stopped walking, rooted in place as she pursed her lips. Her body tensed as she chose her next words carefully. "The Force has gifted me with the ability to see certain futures, based on the choices of those that influence them. In my lifetime, I have seen thousands of ways the galaxy prevails or dies."

She lifted her eyes to mine as she turned to face me. Her expression was somber and sorrowful. But lying underneath it all, there was a glimmer of hope.

"Whether by the hand of tyrants or kings, empires or republics," She continued, "The fate of the galaxy falls into the hands of the one who will kill it in every future except one."

The realization of her words felt like a huge punch in the chest. I staggered back as the air was ripped from my lungs, my head spinning with the meaning of what she just told me.

"As I said," Soleil repeated, "You are destined for a much higher purpose than the one at the end of the path you are on now."

I can't- No. This can't be.

"Why me?" I whispered as I placed my hands on my knees, trying not to hyperventilate and pass out.

"Because you-" Her words stopped abruptly as a feline smile spread across her lips. The sight was deeply unsettling.

She said softly, "I think we have company."

My eyes snapped to a nearby tree, where the sun peaking through the leaves glinted off the silver beskar of Din's armor. He had his blaster aimed at Soleil as he walked forward carefully, making his way towards me.

"Din," I breathed, my eyes widening, "What are you doing here?"

"I suggest lowering your blaster, Mandalorian," Soleil purred calmly.

He stopped in front of me, like he was protecting me from her. "I don't think so-"

I reached around him, putting both of my hands on his outstretched forearm. "Put it away, Din," I said to him, not taking my eyes off of the Jedi before us.

He looked down at my hands on his arm, then to my face. He hesitated before slowly lowering his blaster, still keeping it in his hand with his finger rested lightly on the trigger. "Who is she?" He asked me quietly.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Soleil's voice echoed around us. "My name is Soleil," She said, "And I am the forgotten Jedi."

Din tensed beside me. "Jedi?"

"Yes," She purred, "The Jedi use their ability to harness the Force to guard peace and justice in the galaxy." After a beat of silence, Soleil flicked her eyes to me as realization dawned on her. She finally said, "He is oblivious to your secret, isn't he?"

He whipped his head to me. "Secret? Jeyna, what is she talking about?"

I stared at her while I lightly pushed Din away from Soleil in the direction of the village. "Come on, we're leaving," I snapped quietly.

But the loud bang of a blaster going off made my body jump into action. Every nerve ending fired in tandem as my senses sharpened. Time halted as my instincts kicked in, flinging my hand out to save Din from the blaster bolt barreling straight for his unprotected ribs.

As soon as time stopped, it sped back up again. My breaths came in heavy pants when I realized that I just stopped the blaster bolt Soleil fired mid-flight. It sizzled and cracked less than a foot from where Din was standing.

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