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A soft, calming voice lifted the blanket of sleep from my eyes. "Wake up," Soleil instructed, "We have arrived."

I rubbed the remaining sleep from my eyes, feeling well rested for the first time in weeks. Yawning, I watched Din descend the ladder, the child sitting on his shoulder and holding on tight to his helmet. The sight made me smile.

Once his feet hit the ground, Din turned to where I was still laying on the bench. Looking down at me, he said, "Are you feeling alright?"

I pushed myself up into the sitting position. "Yeah," I said truthfully, looking at his visor, "I feel really good, actually."

He nodded, content. I couldn't tell if he was about to say something else, but it wouldn't have mattered because Soleil interrupted, "You will have to remove your armor."

Din snapped his head to her, taking the child off of his shoulder and holding him in his arms. He asked coldly, "You want her to enter an unknown cave alone and without armor?"

Soleil arched a cocky brow at him. "You have your Way," She said cooly, mocking the religion of Mandalore, "And we have ours. She enters alone and without armor."

I felt Din's anger rolling off of him, so I gently grabbed his wrist and said, "It's okay. If it's what I have to do, I'll do it."

He leaned his head closer to me and said quietly, "I thought you didn't want to do this."

"I'll be okay," I reassured him with a small smile. "I promise."

My words didn't help take the edge away, but Din bit his tongue and didn't complain any further as I methodically removed the beskar from my body. I piled it neatly on the bench beside me, and to my surprise I felt quite naked without it. After seven years of living without it, it's ironic that now is when I feel stripped bare.

I stood up from my place on the bench, standing between Soleil and Din. Both of them stared at me. Soleil's gaze was warm and excited, while Din... Well, he looked how he always did. I could still feel his contempt towards Soleil, though. I highly doubted he would ever learn to trust her fully.

"Here," Soleil said, holding out a large white cloak similar to her own. "Ilum is a cold planet. You will need this."

"Thank you," I said gratefully, knowing full and well the meaning of the Jedi's cloak that was now in my possession. I hesitated only for a moment before wrapping the thick material around my body, fastening the chain around my neck and lifting the hood over my head.

I exhaled a long breath. "Alright," I breathed, glancing at the closed bay door, "Let's do this."

I focused on the door while Din placed the kid in a large satchel that was slung across his body. He pressed a few buttons, and the doors began to open. Sharp, cold air rushed into the cargo bay and I was instantly grateful for the cloak around my shoulders.

The doors hissed to a stop, revealing large pine trees covered in glistening while snow. The snow reflected the light of the full moon above, the star-filled sky turning murky grey. Which meant sunrise was approaching fast.

A slight breeze blew past and I felt my nose beginning to turn pink. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I took the first step off the ship and into the snow.

Once the three of us were outside the ship, Din pressed a button on his vambrace and the doors groaned to life again as they began to close.

I turned to Soleil and asked, "How do we get to the caves?"

She took a long, sweeping glance across the land before us. "You must lead us there."

"What? How am I supposed to do that?" I placed my hands on my hips. "I've never been here before."

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