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The crystals continued to pilfer through my memories, continuing through my entire life like I was an open book. I relived every dream I ever had and every nightmare I ever lived through. I remembered first time I led my team to victory in battle, and when I cried as I watched the first Mandalorian die under my command. I remembered how I felt when Din comforted me for hours afterward because I couldn't report to my mother after having a breakdown over a dead soldier.

I remembered the day I last saw him. When Din left for a solo job and never came back. I hoped against hope he would come back, but he never did. I guess that's when he began his run as a bounty hunter.

But when I felt the chill of the night against my bare skin, my mother shouting my crimes at me and sentenced me to a lifetime of banishment, I couldn't do it.

My entire body seized as I threw out the crystal's conscience from my mind. I heaved a huge sob, tears spilling down my face as I braced myself on the cold metal of the bay floor. "No," I screeched, squeezing my eyes closed, "Not again. Not—"

"Hey, hey, it's okay," A comforting voice whispered behind me, his heavy arm snaking around my waist, "It's over now."

Din pulled me against his chest and I could feel the coolness of his metal chest plate against my back. The chill rooted me to where I was and what was happening, and it helped me calm my erratic breathing. I barely reacted when I felt his other arm wrap around my body, holding me close.

After a few seconds of focusing of my breathing I gave his knee a long squeeze, silently thanking him for keeping me rooted. He slipped his hands onto my hips to help me stand, and I found myself wishing he would have lingered longer when he pulled away.

I knew I'd been staring at Soleil the entire time since I pulled myself out of my trance, but now I began to really focus on her. Her face was calm and serene, her eyes closed in complete meditation as the crystals floated before her, the pieces of metal slowly circling them. They began spinning faster and faster, closing in on the steady crystals.

A low hum began buzzing in my ears, and it grew in a constant crescendo until I couldn't help the grimace that crossed my face as I dropped to a knee. I slapped my hands over my ears, shaking my head to try and get the unbearable noise out of my head.

But then there was a loud pop and the buzzing ceased. After a moment of utter silence I opened my eyes, looking at Soleil and the long black cylinder she held delicately in her hands. The hilt was nearly twice as long as Soleil's silver one.

I slowly got to my feet again, Din standing right beside me. I stared at the hilt, hesitant to reach out and grab it.

But before I could decide, Soleil got to her own feet and turned it over in her hands. Then she flicked the switch that activated it, and two bright yellow sabers shot out of each end of the black hilt.

I flinched back, completely taken aback by the sight of two sabers. Each blade was nearly the same length as my legs. Along with the two foot hilt, the entire length of the weapon had to be at least ten feet long.

It was an absolutely marvelous weapon. It was gloriously deadly, and the low buzzing that emanated from it added to its fear factor.

While it was still activated, Soleil held it out for me to take. I cautiously wrapped my fingers around the warm hilt, and as soon as my skin touched it it sang to me. Like it completely understood me and said I am loyal to you always.

"This is incredible," I breathed, marveling in the electric whoosh it made as I brandished it, twisting my wrist so the blades would make a complete circle of bright yellow light.

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