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As chaos ensued, Din finally managed to fight his way to me. "You're fucking crazy, you know that?" He hissed at me, shooting two troopers in the helmets as they approached. The stormtrooper helmets exploded once the bolts hit them, and blood and brains began leaking onto the dirt once their bodies hit the ground.

"Oh, come on," I drew out, using the Force to fling more stormtroopers on their asses across the large battlefield, turning immediately to whip my saber through the abdomen of another oncoming trooper, "You can't tell me that wasn't a little awesome."

"No," He replied immediately, grunting as a bolt hit him square in the chest. "It most definitely was not awesome."

I scowled at him, but he turned his attention away from me as more troopers surrounded us. But once I caught sight of a white armored body surging towards the fully assembled E-Webb, I whipped my blaster out of the holster around my thigh, killing the stormtrooper instantly as the bolt hit him in the side of the head.

Din noticed it too. "Stay here!" He commanded, and I screamed after him as he launched himself into a sprint in the direction of the E-Webb.

A sharp jolt of my body as a blaster bolt slammed into my helmet snapped my attention towards the fire team of troopers racing for me, and I gritted my teeth as I lowered myself into a fighting stance. The team of troopers then came to a halt, and the chaos of the battle around me faded away as they slowly spread out to cut me off from Din.

I let a deep chuckle escape my lips as the Force raged inside of me, and when the trooper to my far left snapped up the barrel of his blaster, I whipped around, easily deflecting the bolt he fired at me. Before he had the chance to fire again, I leapt towards him with the power of a mountain cat and sliced him in half with my buzzing saber. Then I snapped my head in the direction of the next nearest trooper, using the Force to crush his windpipe. He dropped instantly, and a satisfied rush of adrenaline flooded my body.

A flash of silver out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, and I quickly fired the blaster in my hand at the remaining stormtroopers. They dropped to the ground, and I was wholly entranced as I watched Din single-handedly haul the heavy repeating blaster off of its stand, bracing it against his legs as he used the blaster to completely mow down the remaining troopers.

I marveled at his pure strength, and I became keenly aware of how fast my heart was beating in my chest. The fact that he was even able to hold onto the thing was incredible, let alone while it was firing at full capacity. I continued to marvel at him, but my chest clenched when I noticed Cara being cornered back into the cantina by a few Death Troopers. She gritted her teeth, continuing to fire the large blaster attached to her hip as she retreated into the building.

But a blaster bolt barely grazing my visor made me fall back. Once I hit the ground I rolled, immediately jumping back up onto my feet as I stared down Moff Gideon. He had his handheld blaster pointed directly at me, and the adrenaline of battle surged through me as I snarled.

But when the Officer's gaze left me and settled on Din, my heart fell violently. He fired a few rounds at my riduur, all the bolts harmlessly hitting Din in the armor. He lurched at the impacts, and hope swelled in my chest as he slowly hauled the business end of the E-Webb in Gideon's direction.

But my breath hitched in my throat as the Force changed around me. It clenched my heart, and an ocean of dread raged inside of me as Gideon whipped his blaster towards the energy box that powered the E-Webb.

Tearing my vocal cords to shreds, I screamed as loud as I could, "Din, move!"

Gideon fired his blaster just as I lunged forward to shove Din out of the way.

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