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The next few days were filled with naps, short conversations with Din, but mostly, it was filled with attempts to try and figure out how to heal my leg like Soleil had. Most of the time it didn't work, but sometimes I felt like I was getting somewhere. The last time I tried, I could actually feel myself traveling through the fractures in my leg. I just couldn't figure out how to fill the seams.

And I didn't even bother trying to fix the scar that I would probably bare for the rest of my life. It was so intricate and complicated that I didn't want to risk injuring myself more. But I had to figure out a way to heal the bone. I had to. I didn't have six weeks to wait around and heal. The Empire wasn't going to stop hunting us just because I was injured.

I was deep in focus when I heard Din's voice scrape against the edge of my conscious. "You shouldn't do that," He advised me.

I groaned, annoyed, rolling my eyes as I opened them. "I don't have a choice," I said sharply, "We don't have time."

"I'll make time," He snapped sternly. "You need to heal fully."

I folded my arms across my chest, shuffling around on the bench to try and make myself comfortable. "I just need to walk," I stated, "I don't care if it hurts. I'm a liability if I can't move on my own."

Din shook his head. He inhaled, ready to argue with me again, but I cut him off. "Din, we're almost out of food and fuel, and we don't have much money. We need to take a job soon, and I can't work if I can't walk."

"Then I'll take a job," He offered.

"No." I shut that idea down real quick.

He turned to face me fully. "I can do this by myself," He said defensively.

"I know," I agreed, "But people recognize you. You need someone to watch your back."

I could tell he wanted to disagree with me, but he held his tongue as he let out a defeated sigh. "Fine," He said, "Just... please be careful."

I smiled and winked at him. "I'm always careful."

I laughed as Din mumbled under his breath, turning around to grab the kid and take him up into the cockpit with him, leaving me alone so I could focus on healing myself. It's been getting easier and easier to access the Force, and I'm almost to the point where I can feel it without even thinking about it. So it didn't take long for me to wade into it's current.

I felt the Force begin to flow and ebb through everything around me. I could even feel it swirling across Din's beskar in the cockpit, it's sweet tendrils brushing up against the cool metal. The way the current flirted with him was almost romantic.

But then the rough bumps and ridges of it coursing through my body tore my attention away from Din. The Force ran its fingers over the cracks in my broken leg, the cool relief it offered soothing the pain that shot up and down my thigh.

The current was smooth but difficult to command. Just telling it to heal or fix wasn't going to be good enough.

"Damnit," I cursed under my breath.

Honestly, I was a little embarrassed that the kid knew how to do this and I didn't.

The kid.


A moment passed before his helmeted head popped through the hole in the ceiling. "Did it work?" He asked optimistically.

I pursed my lips. "No," I admitted, "Can you bring the kid down here?"

Din paused, puzzled. "Uh, sure."

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