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I knew the moment the Mandalorian walked into the casino that it was after me. I turned around to face the man whose lap I was currently perched on and politely excused myself in his native tongue. I left a featherlight kiss on his neck and he hummed, telling me not to be gone too long.

Swiftly leaving the card table, I made my way towards the balcony that overlooked the ocean. Canto Bight was a ruthless place, full of rich Imperial and Rebel war traders like, but it would be a lie to say that it wasn't beautiful. Once the cool air bit my skin I inhaled a deep breath. Then I spat, quite rudely, at the Twi'lek on the balcony to move her large green ass or I'd personally shove her over the railing. She glared at me with wide, alarmed eyes before rushing back into the casino.

Even over the din of the music and voices that filled Canto Bight, I honed in on the light foot falls of the Mandalorian hot on my tail. I press my back against the gritty stone next to the doorway, biding my time until the metalhead appeared around the corner.

But before he cleared the opening, I heard him say through his modulator, "I thought you would've tried something a little more creative, Jeyna."

I closed my eyes, cursing the heat tracking abilities inside of his helmet as I stepped in front of the threshold. His armor was practically brand new, the beskar reflecting the harsh moonlight. That is a shit ton of brand new beskar, I thought to myself. But what I really needed to focus on was the blaster he had pointed right at my chest.

"I haven't seen one of your kind in years," I said as I smiled confidently, even though I was trembling on the inside. How did he find me, and how does he know my name?

He cocked his shiny head to the side. "Do you actually not remember me?"

Wait. I knew that voice.

My entire body nearly collapsed from relief. "Din!" I exclaimed, stepping forward and throwing my arms around his neck, not even worried about the blaster that was now pressed between our bodies. He flinched back, cautiously wrapping his free arm around my torso.

After a brief moment I released him, taking a step back to admire his shining beskar. "Wow, I didn't even recognize you in your new armor."

"Yeah, well," He shrugged, holstering his blaster, "I got lucky." He quickly looked me up and down, soaking in everything that he could. He seemed slightly confused, but then I quickly remembered that this was the first time he had seen my face, or really even my body for that matter, since he was a Foundling on Mandalore.

He commented, breaking the silence, "You grew your hair out."

I smiled, remembering when Din and I used to spend our days together. Ever since I had met him, I was the broad intimidating one that kept an eye out for him (since I was born on Mandalore), and he was always small, uncoordinated, and wiry. And until we were fifteen, I was at least head taller than him and would kick his ass every time we would spar, but if any of the other Foundlings thought it was a good idea to mess with him, I'd show just how far I could kick them across the training yard.

Then one summer, he grew at least six inches and began to fill out. We even swore the Creed together, but his tribe had strict rules about always wearing the helmets. He grew to believe that no living thing could ever see his face. I never strictly adhered to that part of the Creed, but I had grown comfortable in my armor and was reluctant to take it off. Then we got split up shortly before the Great Purge, and I never heard from him again.

I pushed my growing nostalgia from my mind. "Your voice got deeper," I countered.

He sighed, the lighthearted mood changing in an instant. "I need your help."

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