Chapter 30: Home

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⚠️(Unknown  artist, if you have made it this far. I know it's been a long wait. This story I wrote for me and didn't expect anyone to read it. I've been overwhelmed with how people like it. That being said there are some heavy manga spoilers coming please read it. On top of breaking further from the manga as well. Let's have some fun shall we lemons in coming. 💙) ⚠️

Once home everything seemed normal, even the day you wear left behind. It was normal enough, yet something made you hair stand up on the back of you neck. Especially as you stood on the steps of the school. Feeling all kinds of curse energy reaching for you. Even dragon seemed wrestles. 'What will you do if they don't come home?'
"They have to. Satoru will stop them. He has to." You paled as you felt it, suddenly It was like Satoru was gone. You held the locket in your hand in desperation.
'Fairy.... he's not... some of them aren't going to come home. Please don't do anything rash.' Dragon formed out of the shadows in a small dragon form of gold with blazing eyes matching your own.
"He will." You wanted to step foot off and go with the others. They refused. The stuffed curse dolls around the steps wear there to stop you as much as protect you. "Sakuna...." you felt his cursed energy blazing. It was so strong in the air when he was active. How many hours did you wait. When they did return home, no one would look you in the eye. You had had it, grabbing a woman you didn't really know but everyone seemed to respect holding Itadori up. "Where is Satoru?"
        Everyone who was concuss blanched who knew her. They looked away. The woman sighed and before anyone could tell her other wise. She looked at you. "He was captured by the curses. We couldn't get him back."
       You didn't even know what happened after that. Everything slipped away. Everything sounded like it was underwater. "Fairy... Fairy!"
      Head snapping up as Dragon yawned letting go of the woman's arm as Itadori looked at her with wide eyes. "What?.."
       Dragon lifted her head and sniffed as she growled at Yama. Walking towards her. "What happened to her? Your..."
      "I'm the other one yes. I begged her not to do anything rash. Your lucky you all didn't get erased from the world. Not like her last mental break. Though I'm sure what's under the school wouldn't let it happen so easily.  You can call me dragon if you want. That's what Satoru calls me. I won't be staying long."
     "You have to." Yama said as Panda walked closer towards dragon. Who inspected your hands.
     "I really don't, I don't need to be able to purify curses to fuck anyone up. You know that. Besides I've slept all these years, and still. I have yet to explore much. Satoru took such good care of us, as did you all. So a gift for you shall I?" A wave of gold sand washing over everyone as their injuries reversed. Some on the brink of death coming back to full health.
      Dragon wiped the blood running from her nose as she hummed. "Right I forgot I don't feel pain like she does. That's why she is hurting so much."
      Itadori rolled out of the woman's arms faster then anyone could respond. "Don't! Your not going alone I'm going too."
       Dragon leaned forward sniffing at the boy before smiling and laughing. "He's getting stronger in you." That's when she lifted her head and scanned the room. "Nanami... where is he?"
       Itadori blanched as he shook his head. Only to watch as dragon narrowed her eyes. Her tail waving back and forth. "He's..."
       "Where did he fall."
       "His soul was changed he's..."
       Dragon grabbed Itadori by the arms and hissed. "That doesn't mean shit to time. Where the fuck did he fall."
       "Dragon calm down." Yama was getting closer as was panda. Only for Dragon to wheel around and open her sharp teeth in a roar. Flipping to land on pandas head. Before forming wings and launching herself from on top his head.
      "You should have taken us with you. Now your paying for it."
       "We will have to hunt you down if you do this!" Yama looked ashen as he looked at the sky.
       "Fuck you old man." Dragon hissed taking off to the disaster zone. Landing as her eyes scanned the broken world they wear trying to fix. Horns flashing as she walked. Watching the terror that had befallen the world. Blinking slowly as the sand versions of everyone rewound. "I won't let them die here."
      'Can we really bring someone back from the dead?' Your voice hallow inside. 'Why didn't we save our parents then?'
      "I don't know if we can with out dieing ourselves. But Nanami was rational and a good person. He was family to Satoru. There for he is a good ally. If we can talk him into going on the run with us." Dragon fallowed Itadori he seemed like he had watched the man die. "If I do this we will be sitting targets for a while. He will need to get us to safety for the time being."
      'Call the family then.'
      "Right the curse mafia." Dragon patted your chest as she smiled. "That's brilliant. Now sleep and heal your heart. I'm going to do things my way. You won't like it." She hissed blue sand from between her teeth. Pulling out the phone in her pocket. Shooting a message out. Before throwing it on the ground and smashing it under the boots you wear.
      Raking claws along the cement walls as she climbed down into the rubble. Sighing as she found it, the moment Nanami burst into nothing. If she hadn't seen what happened to that twerp. She would have killed him herself. A smile panted on her face as she though it could still happen. As she crouched her hand lay on the tissue clinging to what was left behind by the man she was about to bring back.
      "Well then, it's easy to get the body back. Hey tired one, I know your hurting and hiding. But you are the one who can bring his soul back."
       'What?' Your voice weak and tired as you slept in the darkness of your heart. Reliving happy memories with Satoru and everyone you cared for. From your dead adoptive parents to the kids you feed.
        "It's your turn to open a domain. We might be the same body but we each control half the power." Dragon pressed a hand to the goo turning back time hissing a blood bubbles out your lips. "Now it's your turn. Bring his soul back or we just collapse here for nothing. Thank whatever that I can rewind the cloths on his body." Wiggling your nose as she started using the technique on your liquefying insides. Eyes half drooping as you struggled with trying to understand.
       'How.?' Eventually the strange double voice emerged from your mouth. More Dragons deeper tones then yours. "Domain Expansion, blessings of butterflies." Both of you flenched on the inside and outside. Only for you both to look around in shock. The outside watched what was inside except the memories and joys of life, turned into crystallized butterflies, fluttering around a land of glass. The upper part of the orb resting in the colors of twilight.
       You blinked from inside as dragon hissed as the butterflies fluttering towards her. "Damn it! These things are venomous!" Growling as the sands kept them away from your body. "Alright now put his soul back together and quickly."
       You had no idea what to do. She made it seem so easy. Reached out you nearly screamed as a spectral hand left your body. Touching what seemed like shattered glass all over the area. Images flooding your mind. Of a woman at a bakery suffering from a curse, helping her. Working at the police after the school. Watching Satoru as you went to school a year younger then him. The memories flying faster and faster as you screamed inwardly feeling yourself pulled apart. Only to pull Nanami together, he looked tired as he looked at you. Neither of you sitting in your bodies.
       "I was done, how?" Nanami looked confused at you. "Did you die too?"
       "I don't know." Looking down at your bodies. Dragon growling and swatting away memory butterflies. "Do you... want to live again?"
       "Can you idiots really clean up after yourselves? I mean you got so sick for what? Only to be brought down into more trouble. You haven't even caught that damn shadow curse have you?" Nanami moved to adjust glasses that weren't even there.
       "No... I came here as soon as we healed everyone. To bring you back... Satoru... he's gone. He was trapped I can't stay awake much longer. Do you want to live?" You felt the toll hanging on you. How did Satoru keep his technique running none stop?
        "I can't off and die now that I know the situation. I had such high hopes for Itadori cleaning up the mess." Nanami haughed as he crossed his arms.
       "Welcome... back..." You reached out and tapped his spirit forehead between the eyes. All before the domain fell apart as the soul entered the body. Your own soul feeling like it was falling apart as you slipped back into your own body.
       Dragon nearly toppled over as your body shook. "For fuck sake.... your never opening that again." She was forced to lay down next to Nanami as she growled angrily. Tail thumping softly against the ground.
       "This is the heaviest thing I've ever been in." Nanami's voice now scratchy and horse.
        "He! She did it... that crazy bitch... we did it." Dragon coughed clawing at your core. As Nanami sat up and blinked down at the form.
        "Dragon was it?" He reached around for his phone and frowned. "You couldn't rewind my phone into my pocket?"
        "Be happy you have fucking cloths." Dragon panted looked up only as people gathered around. One dropping down slowly.
       "Who are you? Curse users." Nanami reached for a weapon that wasn't there. His eyes widened as he looked down. "What's wrong... with my."
       "About that, Fairy put you back together the curse died with you. So now your a blessed one, have fun with that. I'm sure you will figure it out." Dragon grinned only to let out a soft moan as a pink haired man with a freckle under the side of his left silver eyes picked her up slowly.
       "So your a master now to... I can feel it. Come whoever you are. We are getting you to safety." His voice dispite his feminine appearance was extremely low. Dragons eyes had slid closed, the curse energy she put forth vanishing back into your body.
      "I'm... wait where are my glasses?" Nanami sighed as he rubbed his nose. "I can see? What did this one do to me..."
      "Your the one she brought back? Most blessed ones died trying to talk to the dead. My name is Kai. I'll be guarding you both." The man wear a suite of his own in red and black. Looking at Nanami and nodded. "You have good taste."
      "It's better then a track suite. Now, where do you plan to take us? I can't leave that one on her own." Nanami motioned to you with a hand as they climbed out. Headed towards a black van waiting form you both.
       "A safe house. I suppose you could say I'm the mafia branch working with the Yakuza to keep curses from business. I am descended from guardians of the blessed. This one, is my cousin." Kai lifted you up and carefully buckled you into the leather clad vehicle. "Don't worry this isn't my work car."
      "Hmm." Was all he could say, after all how many of this mans ilk had he put behind bars. How many more he should have but didn't have the pull to do so with all the dirty cops. Frustrating as it was, he was now behind helped by criminals. Wondering if he should put a curse on Gojo for this. For being stupid enough to get caught.
      Nanami blinked once as a water bottle was put in his hands. "Your not in great shape I'm sure. Relax we will be in the safe house in no time at all. It's far from the gambling rackets and opium dens. I don't trade in people. Just protect them."
      "You act like you have my information."
      "That's because I do have your information. I know about everyone who's been around the Master. It's my job. I don't get there intime to help her because she's with Satoru Gojo." Kai shrugged as he pulled away from the distraction watching for further curses to creep forward. "Looks like the age of Curses is trying to come again. There's now only two blessed ones to help the sorcerers of curses. Humanity doesn't even know they are in danger."
      "They might find out at this rate." Nanami watched out the window ignoring his stomach growling as he sipped water. The amount of distraction being taking care of unfathomable. It was only going to get worse if they didn't fix this soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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