Chapter 29: History

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(Artist Katara7707)
Walking into the room with a sigh, Almost passing out from another painful headache. That was until you looked up to see Jinx sitting on the bed. "It took you long enough. I thought it would be short since you aren't with handsome. Feeling sluggish. Seems he was right."
"What are you? Why are you here?" Stumbling forward trying to form any weapon in your hand. Nothing came of it.
Jinx grinned as she walked closer gripping you by the hair and pulling hard. "Oh, for lots of things. Because you took what was meant to be mine. For being cast out of the clan. I want your life. However those I fallow under... they won't allow me to kill you. Even though they have given me the means."
      A snarl rose from your throat as your body stood up almost on its own. That's when you found Dragon was taking control. At least sharing the power she had. Your hand lashing out and gripping Jinx by her throat. Your voice echoing both sides of your soul. "Why don't you make this quick before you die."
      Jink moved to kick out your legs only to find a fist in her gut. She collapsed on the floor when you tossed her. "Bitch!" She screamed as she held a crystal dagger in her hand. You looked down to find she had cut your arm with it.
      "What's this?"
     "Pay back." Jinx laughed until she started to shake. Her eyes going wide as shadows wrapped up and around her body until she was nothing left but a mummy. Dagger dropped on the floor. What looked like a man pulling himself up from the shadows.
     This man had two horns pushing up from his forhead, they started black at the base and turned white. A slash line across his face with opened triangles on his cheeks facing upside down. Patching of his body under his business suite black as the shadows he absorbed from Jinx. The same ones he pulled himself out of. His brown curly hair lay down along one side. He smiled as he waved his hand the suit turning into a Yukata as he crossed his clawed black fingered hands. "What a waist. I went to all the trouble to make her dreams line up for her. Only for her greed to get in the way." His teeth jagged and sharp as his eyes red as blood looked at you. "It's been a very long road to get here. Just to meet you."
      "What are you!" You crouched ready to attack only to find your body shaking. Eyes nearly rolling back as you ears rang. Even dragon was creaming as they clutched your head with you.
     The man walked over pulling something from his sleeve. Crouching down as he touched the wound on your arm. Opening a jar as shadows wrapped the wound pulling something out slowly. Before slipping it into the jar. It was glittering crystal shards. "I'm a curse of corse. I hope you have been keeping the king company." Reaching down he wrapped his hand under your chin and lifting it up. "I have a bit of a contingency plan. In case those fools fail. Not all of us want to bow after all."
     "What..." you tried to move but found the shadow pinning you down. "Why.."
      "Because I want to let you join us sweetie. Your mama and papa miss you. But you have made yourself valuable alive. Give me Satoru Gojo would you?"
      You sap at the curse spirit. The spit on his face started to hiss as sat wrapped around the shadows. The two struggling against each other. You reached for your phone. Hitting the emergency call button.
      "Mmmmm your calling the man next door? That's alright. We will be seeing more of each other little Monster. That is what you are after all. My name is Nyrox. Don't ever forget it." Nyrox then leaned forward and lay a kiss across your lips dispite your horrified face. He laughed as he slipped into the shadows. The sands chasing him until the shadows became solid once more.
      The door slammed open only to show a very unhappy Nanami. He sighed as he moved to crouch down next to you. "She made it in here did she. What happened?"
      You sat up to say something only to cough up black ooze as you looked at your arm. "Satoru." You hissed as the world grew dark.
      "I knew this was a bad idea. What's this?" You could hear papers rustling. "Gojo, I hope your not busy." You blinked a bit to long only to feel warmth. Then something cool on your head.
      "What's this dagger?" That voice was Satoru.
     "Not a clue. Your going to have to ask her when she wakes up."
      "No more field trips Fairy. You have so much power why weren't  you using any of it? Well... some of it was used. You made a small sandbox. Weapons don't mean it's time to play in the sand. Silly goose."
     "Gojo. Your really going to stay here. Even with the body in the corner?"
     "What body? Someone took care of it already. It's back at the school. That wasn't Fairy's style. She didn't kill her and this all happened right next to you. I'm staying. She still needs answers."
      "She's been sick since we got close to the blast zone. Where the clan of blessings died. We have no idea what this blade is made of."
       Satoru, his grip was a little tighter around you. "This thing, sure we have a clue. It looks like the weapon she made fighting herself. Though hers vanished this seems... solid. We can take it back tomorrow. What are those papers Nanami?"
      "It looks like history. A few volumes of family history. This is what she wanted. I suggest we leave after work hours start again. I was rather enjoying this resort."
      "Ya ya, give me those you go get your beauty sleep." Papers where shuffled as you curled into Satoru. He let out a little sigh as the bed creaked laying down with you. The door shutting he wrapped you in tightly. "My beautiful fairy hang in there. We can't leave Nanami on his own, and right now only one person transport at a time. Whatever came here. It could take him with out warning if I'm not here."
      You wanted to say something anything. Your mind just wouldn't let you. Everything hurt and dragon seemed to be ok just as much pain. You felt it, both you and dragon fusing together more and more. When you could open your eyes all you could see where Satoru's endless bright blue ones.
      His eyes seeing the pain you wear in. Satoru didn't hesitate cleaning the blood ooze from your lips with his finger. Letting you nestle into his chest as he kissed your forehead. "It was a curse that snuck in here. Wasn't it."
     You just nodded lightly closing your eyes as he rubbed your back through your clothing. You didn't have the strength to remove anything.
      "I've got you. No curse alive can beat me." His teasing tone about it gone. A hand his other hand keeping you secure against him. "When you can talk, we can speak about what happened."
      Drifting in and out, anytime their was a creak you ended up squeezing onto Satoru. Only the sink into the darkness of your mind as he rested his chin on top of your head.
      Dragon spoke weakly as you saw her, she moved forward out of the darkness and held onto you. "I warned you. This place, it will only make us sicker. All the dead are killing us."
      "What do you mean?"
      "The dagger was made from then bones of the blessed. It's... it's the only thing that would do this." Dragon squeezed you tighter as your heart rate dropped. "I'll let you see everything. All of it, slowly. We can never come back here. We kill that curse if we see it again."
      "Satoru, he.. will get us... out." You said softly arms wrapped around your split in your personality. "We will be safe."
      "He will. Then we go with him and kill anything in our way." Dragon growled as you dropped down she took over. Eyes blinking open as she sat up on Satoru's chest for a moment. Before laying back down on his chest. Her claws toying with his hair. "Get the dagger away from us please."
      Satoru smirked a little as he played with the horns on your head. "Dragon? You came out?"
     Dragon let out a gruff purring sound as your body shivered and shook. "She hurts to much. But I can't leave her unprotected from the curse. It, used the shadows. Toys with them like it's their own."
     "That's how they got in and out. Then this dagger, it is what I think it is."
      "The bones of the blessed, it will kill anything but they suck the life from the blessed. That woman had it with her. She intended to kill, but the curse stopped her. I don't know why."
     Satoru pressed his forhead against yours. "What was its name? Did it give you one?"
      "Nyrox... then it..." Dragon touched your lips with its claws. "I don't know why."
      Satoru frowned as the room warped for a second. Before he took a deep breath. Using his blindfold to wrap the blade. Setting it on the table. "I will have Nanami take it back with him. It needs sealing. I would like to give it to a student but even then it's to dangerous."
      Dragon hissed as she panted with your face pressed into his chest. "I'm healing all I can. Now it's just the knife that causes problems."
      "Hang in there. Nanami just needs a few more hours rest. Then we can get everything set in the car and go. I will not leave, even if it turns into a fight on the way out. I'll make sure you get out alive. My beloved."
      Dragon grinned as she flicked your eyes up at him. "Even this side of us?"
      "Even this side. Your the protector to the soft little heart in your chest. That's why you do the animal mini domains." Satoru bend his head kissing your lips softly. Dragon nodded as she purred the tail that had formed from your body waving.
      "Thank you, we give this heart to you always." Shivering with his fingers on the scales of your body.
      "You have mine. Both Sun and Moon."
(Alright so this is where I may separate from the Manga. Though this is very much it's own AU. Thank you for being patient for this chapter. It's much appreciated, happy late Holidays and New year to come.)

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