Chapter 1: Live

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         You looked up and smiled from the freshly baked cakes you slide into the glass case. Your strawberry blondie hair pulled back from your face. Bright green eyes with gold star bursts in them looked up at the customer walking into the store. He was looking at the mochi you had just made. Odd that he walked around with a blindfold.
       You tilted your head at him with his snow while hair and black clothing. Tugging at your earring as you moved down the cases. "Would you like a sample?" You asked with a smile. Tilting your head to the side.
       Smiling as you rocked on the balls of your feet. He looked up with his own smile. "Can I?"
      You nodded as you pulled one out. "Sure thing, here it's on me. You look like you really wanted to try one." You put gloves on and pulled out one of the little fluffy rolls handing it to him. "I made it with Sakura flavoring. I've been experimenting a little with this one. Don't tell my boss."
      The man took it and took a bite. Flushing a little as he smile. "I'll take a box of these."
      You packed them up and went to go finished the payment prosses. Laughed a little as you went. "I'm glad you liked them. I wonder what flavor I should try into them next."
      "Mnnn I don't know. But I'll try to come back sometime to see what you end up making." The man smiled as he gave over the money needed. "Hope my student won't mind I stepped out for some."
     "You teach?" You looked up at him blinking. "What do you teach?"
       "Mmm exorcism." He shrugged casually as you tilted your head at him.
      "Then you can see them too!" You couldn't help it, you leaned forward as you gave him the money back. "I.... I thought I was...."
      He looked at you about to say something on it. When you looked back hearing one. With out thinking you activated your energy, massive butterfly wings emerging from your back. A soft glowing blue color. You clearly looked uneasy as you smiled and nodded to the man. As he took his money and goods.
      "Sorry I've got to go.... check on something. Have a great day!" You didn't wait for his answer, didn't even notice that he watched you leave to the back.
       You hurried over. Luckily it was just you in the bakery today. You noticed the grow thing clawing it's way through the back door. You pressed your hands together before your curse energy created a bow for you along with an arrow. With out hesitation you fired it with extreme accuracy. It was clawing for you anyway, may as well deal with it.  Instead of turning into blood it vaporized. During into star dust as your wings turned silver on impact.
     Hearing crunching from the back you opened the door eyes wide as a humanoid curse with toxic sludge rolling down its mouth and face lunged for you with out warming. It hit your wing as you tried to dodge. These things wear always so fast. You took the bow as it changed into a sword and sliced at the arm of the creature before you. Your eyes widened as it didn't go through at first. The black goo it sprayed out burned your wings and body as you covered your face.
      After a while the arm snapped off and turned to dust as your sword vanished as you staggering backwards. Bumping into someone. You turned and looked up. "Don't look away when your fighting. Even street fighters know that much."
      Your eyes widened, it was the man from before. Your wings fluttering as they produced a dust in blue to paralyze the creature the whole time you wear present. It cried out in rage and slowly tried to go for you both.
      The man vanishing before finishing the fight so fast. You didn't even see it, you rubbed at your face as you swayed. The energy vanishing as you toppled forward. An arm snagged around your waist and pulled you back up.
      You blushed as you were pulled back into his chest. "Sorry one of my students is causing trouble. Bringing all these things here. I'm taking you with me though little Fairy."
       Your eyes widened as you let out a little squeal as you were pulled through the air. Towards an abandoned housing area. Landing softly as he set you on your feet slightly holding you up. " Find it?" He asked the black haired boy next to him.
      "Ya, no finger though. Seriously... food again? Who's this?" The young man looked at you with furrowed brows.
     "Oh a fairy who makes snacks that I picked up. Stores closed now anyway, the inside was pretty trashed." The man smiled a little as he held you up. "We are kidnapping her."
      Your eyes widened as you turned to fast and nearly feel over. Your courser energy showing up this time as cat ears and a tail. "You will not!" They pulsed with blue light even as you staggered.
     "Fairy to cat, no I'm not actually kidnapping you. I'm going to hep you train these abilities. Already turned in your retirement papers and arranged for your stuff to be moved." The man laughed as he lifted up his blind fold to show his blue eyes rimmed with white eyelashes. "I already knew about you May Shotori, been guarding the area on your own for a long time. Never aware their wear others like you. So your coming with us to learn what you can really do. Put the claws away they won't work on me anyway."
      You hissed as your eyes flashed only to feel his hand against your shoulder. You swayed and fell forward as you grumbled. The curse energy vanishing. You could hear the boy.
      "Sensi what is that curse ability?"
      "Mmmm I don't know what it's cuter then I thought it would be. Intel says that she had many forms from the sound of it. The most common one is the butterfly, but it seems to change with her emotions." Your body lifted up as he turned around.
      "She really doesn't know about you Gojo Sense?" His voice disbelieving.
      "Nope, she didn't even recognize me in the slightest. She isn't a Soccerer in the scenes of us, she technically isn't a curse user. Because she had been killing curses. So we are taking her with us, I already told the principal he could suck it up."
      "She is to old to be a student, she's your age."
     "She's not going to be a student, she's part of the team now Fushiguro, just clam down and have some mochi. Only one though, the rest are mine." You felt your body shifted in his arms as you let out a soft breath.
      "You sure you didn't take her just to make you treats." Fushiguro sounded disbelieving as he walked along side you both. "Oh... these are good."
     "That's just a bonus." Gojo sounded happy as all sound faded away.
      By the time you woke up your wear in a room full of boxes as you held your throbbing head. The light hurt, from the sun outside. You covered your eyes as you sat up slowly. Jumping as a voice asked next to you. "Light bothering you?"
      "It happens when I... wait where am I?" You asked as you opened your eyes slightly.
      "Mmmm where I live. You have to meet the principal and all that yet. But I never introduced myself. I've been watching you for a while, but since you don't know anything about my world. I'm Satoru Gojo little fairy. You wear drawing in some big attention from the curses, so it was time to pull you in." He tilted his head as he closed the book he was reading.
       You closed your eyes and covered them. "Ooh... well... it's not like I had much for myself." Your voice a little laugh as you jumped feeling hands pull yours away and slide something across your face. It wasn't a blindfold but sunglasses. Bottle cap ones with thick black tint to them.
      "Well you wear busy between work and other work." Gojo laughed a little as he looked at the boxes. "Though your style is something... interesting... it looks good on you. I suppose I should let you get cleaned up and changed. Your going to be much busier then you wear before. I'll help you get better at using that energy of yours."
      You blinked as he left the room looking down and noticing how the acid at eaten at your cloths before. Your body bandaged up. You flushed as you went to change. Damn it, life was about to turn a whole new dangerous corner wasn't it. What in the hell did you get yourself into?

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