Chapter 7: Claimed

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(From the anime ⚠️sex content and heavy petting⚠️)
You pulled a face as you flitted above the curse. It was a specialized curse. Still they exploded all the same when you hit them with an arrow now. Happy you weren't in dust range. Giggling as you looked at the man covered in dust adjusted his glasses. "Really he always saddles me with the problem children."
"I'm not a child though!" You laughed as you bounced around with your massive fairy wings.
"You are the definition of a child. Gojo picks up some of the most interesting people." He adjusted his glasses before looking at his watch. "Alright time to go home. I don't do over time if I can help it."
"I know I know." You said and smiled as your wings flapped looking around. No causalities, you made it in time. Training had helped, now you could fly long distances just fine. Though Hawks wings wear far better then fairy ones. The eyes helped pinpoint better too, but you had to use swords in that form.
You disabated your wings into gold powder. You frowned stomach growling as you whimpered a little. The man his blondie brown hair slicked back. Kento Nanami sighed as he pulled out a bag of food handing it over to you. You smiled as you found jerky inside. Nibbling on it happily. "You really can't control that animalistic side can you."
"I can!" You puffed out cheeks as your horns turned red.
"Sure let's go. We have to get back to the school. I'm sure they wear trying to do you in giving you this mission. Why in the world they do this to Gojos people is beyond me. It only pisses him off more." Nanami huffed as he dusted his cloths and walked towards transport home.
You shrugged fallowing behind him. "I... I don't want them doing this to the kids again." You frowned as you looked up at him. You take care of Itadori more then the other right? How's he been?"
"He's fine. The usual child most the time. Getting a little better at using his own cursed energy." He looked over at you. "Your worried about."
"Yes ever since I learned what happened. Yes I worry about him. I... don't want him to die so young." You sighed as you crossed your arms. "What if Gojo isn't here one day? Who's going to protect them all."
Nanami half smiled as he looked down at you. "I'm sure you will along with the rest of us." The rest of the ride home was spent quit as you worried about what you wear going to make everyone food wise. As you got out of the car and bolted towards the kitchen. You waved to the kids working on their studies as you went by. Pulled your hair back as you smiled.
You sighed a little as you finished everything for the day. Cracking your back and stretch streaching after a good days work. Everyone had full bells and wear home safe that was coming home.  You blinked as you noticed someone in the hall. You tilted your head as you smile. "Gojo?"
He looked out his door and waved. "Hey Fairy, how are you doing?" He wasn't wearing his blindfold. As he stepped out in just his track pants.
"I'm ok. Are you alright I haven't seen you in a few days." You stopped in front of him. Sizing him up while looking for wounds.
He reached out end rubbed something on your cheek. "You weren't using scales wear you. You have a cut on your cheek."
"You huffed as you crossed your arms. I have better control of the other forms thank you." You huffed as your hand wrapped around his. "You be careful out there." Missing completely how he had changed the subject on you.
Gojo laughed as he leaned down to press his forehead against yours as he smiled a little. "Your the only one to worry. I know it's because you don't understand this world. But, your very sweet. At this rate I'm going to eat you up."
Before you could even stop yourself you blinked up at him. "What's stopping you?"
Gojo froze for a moment before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you in. "Don't say things you don't mean." He was talking low.
Your breath hitched as your horns and body turned pink. Your eyes hooded as you looked into those frost blue eyes. "But I... don't say.. things I don't mean."
You let out a little gasp as he claimed your lips. His walls breaking down as you wrapped arms around his neck. He lifted you up cupping you with his arms below you haunches as he took you into his room. Closing the door and locking it. Your head swimming as you looked at him as he broke off the kiss. "Mmmmm are you going to give it to me little fairy?" He growled low on your ear making you shiver.
You wear panting to him, blushed and nodded as you looked up at him. Gojo smirked as he kissed you again his tongue exploring your mouth as it danced with yours. Making your body shake as you tried to hang on. You felt a hand glide up your back under your shirt making you arch into him letting out a soft moan. Both of you pulled back socked. "I..." you huffed a little and looked away grumbling.
     Gojo smiled as he whispered in your ear. "That was cute, can I get you to do it again fairy?" He smiled like he was the god who owned the dragon. Laying you back on the bed.
     Your eyes widened as you puffed out a breath hands trailing his already bear chest. "But I'm... dirty..." you moaned as he kissed along your neck. Clawing down his back as you wrapped your arms around him.
    "So sweet... your fine." He panted as he worked to unbutton your button up shirt. He had already unlatched the bra holding you in. He leaned back to look down at you. "Mmmmmm..." he bent down and kissed you again quickly pulling your hair out of its pony tail. "Your a work of art." He smiled softly as he lay you bar.
      "That... you..." you panted as you wear determined not to let him win. You knew he let you flip you both over. So you straddled his hips, grinding your throbbing center against his hard clothed member. Shivering as the layers of fabric kept you both separated. You layed your own kisses long his chest. As he reached up toying with your chests and playing with your delicate nipples.
    Gojo growned out as he looked up at you with heat in his eyes. "Your a delight. Let your god worship you then." He smirked as you moaned and froze up. Giving him the opening to roll you back under him. "Fight me but I'll always win Fairy." He practically purred.
      You wiggled under his touch as you panted heavy. "Mnnnn." You moaned out as his hand wondered down towards your sex. Grinding it above the clothing you. You gasped and arched as he left a love bloom over your heart that thundered in your chest for him.
      Gojo smiled as he looked up at you. "Mmm your already wet. Such a knotty girl." His finger toying and rolling over your little bean. Threatening to press into your aching spot between your swollen lower lips. "This is going to be fun, if you want it. Lose yourself in pleasure to me little fairy." He actually kissed your lips before moving up to kiss a horn.
     You cried out in pleasure a burst of light shooting through the room as you panted a hot mess for him. "Sat...oru..." you panted as he removed what little cloths you had left.
     His hands traveling you bar body. His knee separated your thighs as he smiled down at you. "So you do know how to beg little fairy."
     You panted as you reached up and pulled his head down to you. Kissing him hard and as heavy as he did you. All before panting his name again as he slid a finger inside your aching center. Stroking your insides as and slipped in another. Streaching you as he caressed and worshiped you. "Mmmmm it's good our rooms are so far from the students." He grinned mischievously as he kissed another your body. "Not that I care if they heard you. I'm going to make you mine little fairy. If you want it."
      You panted as you hand found it's way inside his pants and stroked him back. Your hips rocking into his fingers as he rocked into your touch shivering and growling as you toyed with him. You nipped his neck as you tugged his hair with your other hand. "I... annnn want."
      He worked you until you plummeted over the edge and released on his fingers. He growled as he pulled them out and brought them to his lip. Licking your release off them as he smirked. "Mmmm sweet as ever. Sorry little fairy I can't hold back much longer."
     Your eyes widened before you knew it he was naked and positioned at your entrance. You arched as he worked his way slowly inside at first. Both of you shaking as you clawed at his back, your thighs wrapping around his hips and squeezing as you panted hard. It's not that you hadn't done this before, it had just been so long. You arched as he slammed the rest of the way inside. Filling you up to your hidden chamber. He even bluged in your core he was so large. You cried his name as he waited for you to adjust his hands clawing into the blankets on either side of your head.
     "Oh little fairy, your so tight. All mine." He growled in your ear as he started to rock slow at first. Until he heard your moaning and calling. He covered your lips with his has your heat mixed. He lasted much longer then you. As he pushed in hard and deep this string thrusts. Making everything bounce as he kissed along your body. Just as you hit it again. You body clamping down around him. Arching into him as you  clawed through his skin almost drawing blood. Satoru grinned a little as he let out a grown of his own. Grunting as warmth blooming in your core as your body milked him for everything he had.
      It all felt like forever and you wear both a hot mess as he held you to his chest. Even after you wear both spent. Your eyes fluttering as you ached. "Mine." You said softly. As you looked up at him with your star burst eyes.
      "No your mine, but I don't mind. This mean you have to be extra careful Fairy. I don't know what my enemies will do to you if they find your mine." His hand protectively stroking your cheek. "I have so many enemies." His voice held a hint of worry.
      "Not in me." You said softly as you took his hand. "Though I hope you have the pill around here. Clearly we... you know." You blushed as his hand caressed your stomach.
       "Mmm hmm I do. Hold on a moment." He rolled over and pulled the package out of a cabinet next to then bed. Giving it to you as you swallowed it. He kissed your forehead. "I'm glad you understand on that. It's hard enough to protect teenagers."
      You smiled as you nuzzled into him. "It is. What were you up to?"
      "Keeping Itadori alive longer. They still want to jump the gun on his execution." Satoru ran his fingers through your hair as he held you. "They have been studying right?"
      "Yes, and I try to train with them when I can. The younger ones. The second years won't touch me."
      "Good they should be scared of you. You have quite the bite little fairy. It's why I wanted you so badly. Along with a beautiful heart."
      You nuzzled into him meaning to say something but from the long day. You wear already falling asleep. Your hand loosened on his chest as he laughed softly. Caressing you as he pulled the covers over both of you. Speaking softly to you as he held you carefully. Promises and loveing words as the darkness caved in.

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