Chapter 21: Solo Mission

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(From the Anime ⚠️Gore Warning ⚠️)

As much as you wanted the little vacation to last forever. Eventually everyone needed to go back to work and studies. Satoru hadn't lied, he was back out on a mission the day you brought the kids back to the school. At least Satoru didn't leave you in the dark, spending the night before between games and other fun. You hadn't gotten much sleep. Now that your room was safe you didn't have to go to his. Even though you snuck over to it sometimes during that week: Feeling safer there then in your own.
Today was different, the higher up ignoring what they had done to you. They gave you a mission, you had to check out one of the top family's branch families. It seemed they hadn't answered any calls. As you landed, you didn't drop your form. Feathers ruffling in the wind. As much as it hurt you in the long run to hold it. Dropping the hawks form, could be a problem.
With extremely advanced sight. You had noticed from the sky the cursed foot prints. Something had been there and taking no chances was key. Satoru rather you not risk yourself, besides the kids wear taking up the infirmary enough on their own now.
You sighed opening the door as your feather rustled. "I told you we would be meeting again didn't I?"
Your head whipped around to the being who had first tried to kidnap you. Your eyes flashed along with your horns as swords of sand formed around you in rings floating around your body. They went straight through any object around you.
"Did you like my little set up? An associate wanted the humans here to play with. That was easy. Making sure they sent you was far harder. Oh I never introduced myself." He ignored the swords and scratched behind his own coral horns. "I'm Katsumi, we failed to catch you as a child. It's good we have you now."
"I'm not being thrown around again." Did he have coral horns before? That yellow hair and green tips. But those pitch black eyes. You won't forget them. You took his arm. His side pony seemed more dignified. Was his whole body cracking apart? He wear just a shirt and pants this time.
       "Who said anything about throwing? I want to kill you. Then you will be a full curse instead of what you are now. Easy as that." He tilted his head and smiled. Flicking a finger forward black sludge coming out of it. Instincts kicking in and seeing it coming long before it happened. You brought one of your wings forward and locked the stream of toxic sludge that ran out his finger. It hit the wing, sticking to it, feathers hissing as they started to melt.
      You shook as you switched forms. Honey badger ears forming out your head as all emotion left your face. "You and everyone else." A shield forming and smashing the floor. Dropping both of you down into the basement of the home.
     This seemed to throw Katsumi for a loop. The stone rising up to meet him so he didn't fall far. "Oh? They want you dead dead, I want to give you new life. As a true new human. The boss wants you alive. But, we don't see eye to eye. Why keep that flesh suit."
      You narrowed you eyes and sighed out a stream of steam and sand. The dragon was so close, all you had to do was slip under. It would take over. Instead you pulled the chain as forms flipped it turned into an arrow as fairy wings unfurled from your back. Firing arrows rapidly before leaping up. Toxic ooze shot forwards. Your wings shed back from gutter fly scales to feathers as a Hawk. Diving forwards forming a katana in your hand as you dashed forward. Slicing through the horns on the special curses head.
      Katsumi screamed as his own body changing. His teeth going jagged as his arms turned almost urchin like spiked as he tried to grab your leg and drive a spike through it. The Honey Badger form you shifted to stopped that from happening. Slamming the shield into his spin. Spikes forming out of his back as well. They wedged the shield into his back. It burned what was his skin. He didn't seem to care. He grinned with teeth sharpened into points. He grabbed the chain with a clawed hand and swung you like a limp noodle before slamming you into the side of the basement caving in the rest of the house on top of you.
      "Bitch...  just die easy. It will be over quickly then we can kill Gojo." He moved to step forward. Towards the mess. "Those have to be hard on your body. Flipping through them like a channel. I'll wear you don't then kill you."
The rubble exploding off in blue shifting sand like flame. The dragon snarled with you as you both held control. "No one is touching Satoru or our family."
Katsumi's eyes grew wide as it made a quick hand side. "Diminution Expansion. Toxic Pit."The world shaking as it swirled in water and tar like substance gripping at your ankles. Fluorescent plants growing out of jagged rock like walls leaking with the sludge.
Fuming sands from your lips and snapping teeth. You eyes snapped over to a pillar of sludge and rock. Only to have it dissolve into dust. Catching the arm by your head and kicking Katsumi in the ribs hard enough to snap his arm right from his body as he went flying.
Only to have the arm try to latch into your scales. When that failed it melted into goo. Growing heavy and dropping you to a knee. Suck to the sludge. Was it slowly sinking you in? You unlike Satoru, you couldn't push it off your body. Katsumi came forward as if he was going to snap your neck. His arm reforming on his body.
'It's time. You do it this time.' Your eyes nearly rolled back from the force of the dragons words. 'Open the Domain.'
'How?' You snapped your teeth into the hand before you. The sludge you swallowed for it burning you as you hissed. The limb turning to sand as your flames enfolded Katsumi. He growled as everything oozed nearly suffocating you.
'You know how.' The dragon sounded calm. As if a storm was coming and no one was ready for it.
Managing to keep one hand above the muck. Holding all your fingers upright except for the pinky and ring finger. "Domain..... Expantion.... Sands...of time..." the world washed into sand. Though it didn't just do that, large trees and gems composed of different colored sands rose up. The plant bases all gold as the ground you pulled yourself back up on. The toxic slim devolved into golden sand. Fell harmlessly from your body. Your wounds reversed immediately.
      Katsumi looked around his ink black eyes wide as he contorted. "What is this?"
      "It's what you wanted isn't it. We aren't holding back." Your teeth snapped as your duo voices echoed. The sands as he touched them slowly turning him to dust. "Who is your master? What has happened to those poor souls from the house?"
      "I'll never tell you! Those souls are no longer human." Katsumi tried to move but wrapped in pink Sakura sand petals he was trapped and crying out.
     You sighed as the petals didn't touch his head. Instead you grabbed on of his broken horns and lifted it. "You don't need a body or a heart to live. Satoru can get what he wants from you." Katsumi's expansion breaking as you pulled a seal from your pocket. Slapping it across his face. That made him go slack in jaw eyes closed as if he was sleeping. The domain closing as you willed it to.
      The moment it did the back lash of purred tiredness dropped you flat on your back in the rubble. You coughed wishing you had some water. You pulled your phone out of your pocket. It luckily had a tank proof case on it. Calling up the school, you asked if you one could come and get you. To your shock Yaga showed up with a curse doll on his shoulder.  He looked down at you with a smile.
      "Aw, I see your tired out." Dragon had curled back to sleep as soon as the domain dropped. The cursed doll growing larger going down and swallowing the head of Katsumi. Before picking you up and taking you back to Yaga. Who lifted you over a shoulder. "No injuries this time. I'm impressed."
     "You and me both. Do I get to sleep for a week now?" You yawned as you puffed out some sand. "After I drink a couple gallons of water."
      Yaga laughed as he took you towards a car. Setting you inside as the curse doll sat on your lap. "Only if you keep Sukuna in line in Gojo's place. At least for a little while."
     "Don't... I already... do that?" You coughed up sand as he handed you a water bottle from a cooler in the front. Taking it and struggling for a moment then cracking the lid. Taking a few ships before you had to cap it. So it didn't spill before it dropped out of your hand.
     "Yep, but they want to learn how to cook treats. I figured you wouldn't mind teaching those who stay at the school. Need something to eat?"
     "Nnnn." You tried to say no you didn't mind before you dropped to the side. Falling asleep across the back set. Holding the curse doll in your arms. Yaga chuckled a little as he pulled out a blanket and tossed it over you.
     "Alright let's get home before something else happens. You did a good job today." Making his way back towards the school. Nothing but a cratered out whole left behind. As the barrier to the public eye dropped. "At least you used the public shield."

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