Chapter 18: Beach Delight

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(Artist Siba CO)
         "Stay out of the kitchen I can do this myself." You growled as you tossed some cookie dough at Satoru with a smile. He had been helping you as much as he could between missions and teaching. You had to use your wings to hover over the floor. Keeping the weight off your wounded leg. You had been baking more to rehab your body with the movements and lifting. Honestly flying constantly wore you out faster then the lifting and movements. But it was better then being stuck in a bed.
        Satoru caught it and looked at it. Before popping it into his mouth. "Chocolate chip?"
        "Got a problem with that?" You smirked before your mind slipped. The wings vanishing from your back for a moment. Falling onto the counter as you caught yourself on it. "Shit."
       Satoru wrapped an arm around your weight and lifted you up. "Nope, not with the cookies. They are the perfect treat when they are done. We are going to pack a picnic. Sit here and let us put it together." Satoru whisked you up and sat you down in a chair. "No complaints or I'll tie you to the chair Fairy."
"You little!" You thought about struggling to get back up. But hissed and tisked at the wounds in your shoulder and chest. Keeping you still as you ground your teeth.
"We both know there's nothing little about me Fairy." Satoru smiled genuinely as he watched you turn so red from ear to ear that your butterfly wings unfurled just to flap a little. "I know your mostly healed, your body has been working double time. So now it's time for the promised beach trip."
The kids piled in and bounced around happily. Grabbing some of the stashed snacks and making meals. "You know it's going to take us a while to actually get there silly man." You smiled a little as you watched everyone. Willing to give up control of the kitchen just to see the sure joy.
"Awwww Fairy don't worry, it's also to inspect mission sights. So we are doing recon while having a school vacation in a sense. Besides I gave you my word on this one. I'm keeping it." He snuck a kiss to your forehead while everyone else was busy. "I'm also not going to let you walk on your own. So, my arms or a wheelchair until we get there."
"Piff, I'm to heavy for you to carry the whole way silly man." Then it dawned on you. "Satoru are you the reason that they all call me Fairy? Even when I get missions since I've been registered."
"I don't know what your taking about. Would you have rather been called Butterfly? Tigress? Dragon just gives away the surprise inside." You couldn't see his eyes but you could just see it in his face. He was dead set on teasing you to death with how his lips twitched into a smile.
"Your lucky I...." you stopped noticing everyone was watching. Some even giggling. You growled as your butterfly wings fluttered. Making a mini bow and arrow and shooting it at them. It exploded into harmless dust. "Move it or lose it kiddos."
That got Satoru laughed hard as he scooped you up. "I'll get you a wheelchair later if it embarrasses you." He picked up the food and bolted. "Already have the bags packed as it wear."
You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Leaning in close as he fallowed the kids out the door. "Your lucky I love you." You said softly as you kissed his cheek sneakily before the kids started making a scene.
Satoru held on to you a little tighter. Like some precious treasure he couldn't ever let go of. Sighing that he couldn't say anything as the kids all started to act up and get excited for the trip. The whole way was spent dealing with excited kids and Panda on top of that. While Satoru wheeled you around in your chair since you couldn't use a crutch with the bullet placements.
Eventually you all made it onto the beach only for the kids to burst into their own little activities. You watched from under an umbrella with a smile on your face. Wearing your own swimsuit with bandages covering the wounds you didn't need sand in. "They are so full of it."
"Wait until we start playing volleyball with one of the spirit ball tools. That's going to be very fun. Should we make it first years verse second? It's to bad that the last second year couldn't come." Satoru sat down in the chair next to you. "So much to do with so little time."
"Your telling me.... Satoru, does it ever get to much on you?" You asked softly as you kept yourself from reaching over to hold his hand. "I... want to be there for you. Like you are for these kids, and for me."
"It does. It gets very hard sometimes Fairy. Seeing the endless void and slowly dying as you watch it. I will tell you more on it maybe later." Satoru ruffed your hair while it rolled down your shoulders.
You hair rustled with his hand movement as you gave a little sigh. "Satoru your only human too. As much as you are a god in every right. You need to have fun too. You don't have to sit with me the whole time if you don't want to."
"Who said I didn't want to be here the whole time?" Satoru shifted his sunglasses on his face with a smile. He had round very black ones on. Still it was much easier to see his eyes. They looked at you softly from behind his book.
You turned pink right up to your horns. "Your just guarding the snacks." You mumbled trying to hide your shyness. Pretending to watch the others making sandcastles around Panda.
Your head snapped around as a shiver went down your spin as Satoru whispered. "Nope, just guarding you." He grinned at your blushed happy face. "Besides I've been guarding this world from curses since I was in elementary school in a way. Why would now be any harder?"
You stuck your tongue out at him as you leaned back in your chair. "I suppose your not wrong. I... my child hood was spent in an adopted home trying to hide everything I could the best I can. I was so happy to learn people couldn't see my forms. Normal people, they treated me great like my family does."
       "Oh? Then how did you learn control and fighting?" Satoru acting like he hadn't done the leg work into your background.
       "You and I both know that family is in the mafia Satoru. Of corse I learned how to fight. My bakery was more of a healthy investment because they didn't want me in the real family. They never judged me for coming back home with cuts and bruises. But I wasn't to take any flack from anyone else." Your eyes flicking over to him as you smile softly. "Why would it be fun for you to be bedding a mafia princess?"
      "Already know I am. So yes, very fun. If she wasn't being such a sass I might bang her right now. But, don't want to scar the kids. I also don't like sharing." He flipped a page in his book as he smirked at you. Only raising your temperature as you looked away.
     "Such a flirt." You mumbled as you looked over at the water. "It was a good childhood in a way. I was never shot before though. Usually saw the bullet coming. Though.... dragon killed anyone who saw me see it."
     "Mmmm that explains the missing persons does it. Corse most people don't question when mafia members vanish. Well in this case Yakuza. Small fish compared to what we deal with." Satoru flipped a page but he wasn't looking at it. He was watching you now. The way you smiled and narrowed your eyes at the water.  "Want to go down by the waters? Even if a shark shows up, it won't be a problem."
       You turned your head to him him excitedly. "Are you sure? I can try and walk myself if it's to much."
      "Sands hard to walk on. This trip is for you anyway. I can't touch you in the open unless it's helping you." Satoru stood putting his book down and scooping you up. Even at the beach he was wearing his track suit jacket over his long swim trunks. At least the jacket was open allowing air against his skin. Along with showing off the work of art he was.
      "I'm... not sure you want to get that wet." You said as he sat you down in the shallow surf. So the water ran up your claves and dipped back down.
       "Mmm it's fine. Some of my favorite memories where made on this beach. Now I get to make them with you." He snickered at how you ended up blushing again.
        You looked at him with a cheeky grin before splashing him across the face with water. Satoru laughed as he tried to clean his glasses splashing you back. He put a hand on your shoulders when you about toppled back from a big wave. Hitting the shore line. You looked up at him with dripping hair and laughed even though the bullet wounds stung. "I... thank you for taking me here."
"Of corse, we can come back just you and me when we get time." Satoru looked like he wanted to kiss you when his eyes flicked up. "What are you all looking at?"
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Fushiguro coughed as everyone scrambled to get away.
Satoru smiled as he flopped into the surf with you. Running his hands through the wet sand. "Well you kids are supposed to be having fun. Enjoy some play it's not like you will get much of this when your older." His eyes reflecting something sad.
You felt your breath hitch before you leaned over and tackled him to the ground. "Run while you can." You smiled tail waving as your cat ears appeared. The kids ran faster away as Satoru grinned from below you.
"Mmmm what are going planning now Fairy." Pushing himself up off the sand and locking lips with yours. His hands keeping you from escaping. "You sent away the only people keeping me from playing with you."
You smiled as you bite his bottom lip. "Mmmm oh dear someone save me." You teased as you curled into his warmth straddling him.

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